(Minghui.org) Master said in his recent article “Wake Up,”

“To be able to regard anyone and everyone with compassion, to have love for all people, really isn’t something the average person can achieve. Harder still is to have a sense of compassion toward all living things in everything you do. But that is something practitioners of Dafa have to be able to do!”

Master’s words reminded me that I need to look within and cultivate my compassion.

When I see someone’s else shortcomings, my immediate thought is usually, “How can he be this way?” I then remind myself that I might have said that or handled the situation the same way. I know the other person’s behavior is a mirror that reflects my shortcomings, and it helps me cultivate. If I didn’t have that attachment, I wouldn’t have noticed the issue.

I should be grateful when others point out my issues, because it’s easier for them to see my problems than it is for me. I have to let go of the thought that: “I’m right.” As long as I’m willing to look within I can find my shortcomings.

When I encounter a conflict, my first reaction is, “Why did he treat me this way?” I remind myself, “Have I treated him well?” Even if I didn’t do anything wrong in this lifetime, it’s possible that I hurt him in a past life and I’m paying back my debt. Nothing happens by chance and it must be that I have an attachment to remove or karma to eliminate.

About “The Issue of Killing,” Master said,

“The more he suffers, the more the karma created by his suffering will be added to the killer’s body. Think about it: How much more karma might you accumulate?” (Lecture Seven, Zhuan Falun)

So when I encounter a physical tribulation, the pain is a reminder that I should avoid causing others pain, because when I do, I not only hurt people, but also accumulate karma that I’ll later have to suffer to eliminate. I need to change my notions and view hardship as a good thing.

When others treat me badly or I have a conflict with someone, as soon as I look within and improve my xinxing, the situation immediately changes for the better. If I can’t enlighten to it or have strong resentment, the tribulation goes on for a long time. Everything seems to target my heart, but I know it’s arranged for me to improve myself.

Opportunities to improve one’s xinxing don’t always take place during interpersonal conflicts. Sometimes I encounter difficulties or challenges while helping with truth clarification projects and other times I have negative emotions. When this happens I need to step back, and spend some time studying the Fa or doing the exercises, and then I have a fresh perspective. When negative thoughts surface I remind myself that I need to look inward.