(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners participating in the iFest International Cultural Festival in Bolingbrook, a suburb of Chicago, on July 13, 2024, introduced the practice to the festival-goers. Many people decided to learn the exercises at the event, while others said they would visit local practice sites.

Bolingbrook, known as Chicago’s third most diverse suburb, prides itself on “door-to-door diversity.” The municipal government hosts this annual cultural event to celebrate the diverse cultures represented by its residents. This includes showcasing different ethnic foods, handmade crafts, children’s activities, cultural entertainment, and education.

The practitioners’ booth was adorned with handmade lotus flowers, while banners and boards that read “Falun Dafa Spreads Worldwide” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” were on display. All kinds of information about Falun Dafa was available. Many visitors stopped to talk with practitioners and learned more about Falun Dafa.

Practitioners participated in the iFest International Cultural Festival in Bolingbrook.

Ray, who said he’d practiced yoga for five months, said he was very interested in spiritual practices. He took information about Falun Dafa and was interested in learning the exercises. He asked about location and times for the nearby practice site, left his contact information, and said he would be there the next day.

Ray (left) was interested in learning the Falun Dafa exercises.

Neil and his wife from Hawaii were in Chicago visiting their children. Neil, who is 85, said that running into the Falun Dafa booth was a pleasant surprise and that he was interested in learning how to practice Falun Dafa. He asked about practice sites in Hawaii and said he would contact a practice site there and learn the exercises when he returned home.

Neil (center) from Hawaii and his wife (second from left) are interested in learning Falun Dafa.

Nicole, who lives in the northern suburbs of Chicago, came the festival with her friends. She said she was interested in Buddhism and wanted to learn more about Falun Dafa. She and her friends listened carefully as practitioners described Falun Dafa, including its principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, the five exercises that promote health and healing, and the Chinese Communist Party’s brutal persecution. They sympathized with practitioners.

Nicole (second from right) and her friends wanted to learn about Falun Dafa.

The Falun Dafa booth attracted a steady stream of people from many different cultural backgrounds. Some expressed great interest and learned the exercises during the event. Others asked where they could find practice sites, and many people took informational materials and handmade lotus flowers with “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” printed on them.