(Minghui.org) I visited an old fellow practitioner to bring him a weekly magazine. He lives alone, but his children usually come to cook for him. His daughter was worried that COVID would spread again, so she bought him cans of apples and peaches, to be “safe” (considered to bring safety in China) and to wish him good luck in escaping the disaster. He smiled and accepted the canned fruit. He pointed to the two cans and told me, “Everyone knows that the plague is coming to eliminate bad people.”

A week ago, my husband returned from shopping in the mall and said, “The mall is full of women your age, rushing to buy red skirts. I don’t know what trend is going on.” I became concerned after I heard some older practitioners, who are mothers or mothers-in-law, were busy buying canned peaches and red cloth for their children to wish them luck and to stay safe. I disagreed with their behavior but they thought they were just going along with the state of ordinary people.

Recent Experiences

After studying the Fa for many years, we should know that these natural disasters during the Dharma ending period are caused by the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of Falun Dafa and practitioners. Dafa has been introduced to the world to save people. Practitioners go out every day to clarify the facts and ask people to sincerely say, “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” so they can remain safe when disaster strikes. We should treat our family members the same and clarify the facts to them. Every change in the human world is directly impacted by the cultivation state of Falun Dafa practitioners. We should seize every opportunity to offer salvation to people!

I believe that some practitioners misunderstood what Master said about conforming to ordinary people. In the Dharma ending period, many things that appear in society are caused by lower beings in other dimensions so they are below standard. Upright Dafa practitioners are the defenders of the new universe, the future kings and lords who will lead the saved sentient beings through the gates of heaven. How can we follow the chaotic trends brought by low spirits and ghosts?

Master is watching over every practitioner. How do practitioners, who assist the Master in rectifying the Fa, help Master? Our cultivation journeys will serve as a model for people in the future. We must be clear-headed, and think and act righteously during the chaos in the human world.

While reaching the end of our cultivation, the Fa has much higher requirements and allows no room for flaws. The old forces will take advantage of any of our thoughts that are not compliant with the Fa. We must remember at all times that we are cultivators.

Dafa was introduced to the public 32 years ago. Many practitioners are now older and their children have married and started families. Although some young Dafa practitioners stopped practicing after the persecution began, the seeds of Dafa were planted in their hearts.

We should contact them and awaken their divinity and true thoughts so they can resume cultivating. Additionally, the younger generation does not believe in gods and Buddhas after being poisoned by the CCP’s atheism. When the danger of natural disasters strikes, it presents an opportunity for them to believe in gods and Buddhas. We should lead them in the right direction to restore their righteous faith so more people can receive salvation for believing that Dafa is good. This is what great, compassionate Master wants to achieve.

The complicated chaos in today’s society is a test for each practitioner. We should not be dazzled or disturbed by the chaos.

Let us keep in mind Master’s teaching:

“Snap out of it! You have made it through the toughest leg of the journey, so it makes no sense to fail miserably at something so basic in the end!” (“Another Stern Warning”)