(Minghui.org) I was in my 30s in October of 1998 when I first read Zhuan Falun. Once I started, I couldn’t stop—I read for one entire day and night and finished it. I thought it was such a great book and it taught us how to be good and even better people. In the morning I saw a large Falun.

Not long after I started practicing, my long term health issues, such as insomnia, stomach problems, constipation, cervical spondylosis, and so on, disappeared! As I continued cultivating I truly felt Master’s mighty power and how wonderful Falun Dafa is.

My Family Environment Improves When I Do

I worked out of town since I graduated from college. I have two younger brothers who live in the same town as my parents, so they spent more time with them. My parents helped them take care of their children. My parents told me, “Although you aren’t around as much, you always provide the most financial support to the family.”

My younger brother runs a small business. Whenever he needed money, I always lent it to him without hesitation. I helped his son get a position at a large financial firm after he graduated, and they were very happy. I bought my youngest brother’s children computers and cell phones and often gave them pocket money. We all got along very well. I appreciated my brothers taking care of my parents.

Every New Year when we got together for a family meal, I always brought everyone gifts. I talked about Falun Dafa and told them how important it is to quit the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations. They all believe Falun Dafa is good and agreed to quit the CCP.

But things changed after my mother passed away. I learned from my relatives and my father that my brothers were unhappy with me. I couldn’t understand why. For example, they complained that was stingy, that I would rather waste my money than give it to them. When I told them I had a second grandchild, they thought I was showing off. In fact, they didn’t want me to tell them so they could save money by not buying a gift. When my oldest brother’s son quit his job, they complained to me that I shouldn’t have helped him get this job in the first place. And there were more, and worse complains.

How come everything was my fault? At first, I was unhappy. But I calmed down and reminded myself that I am a Falun Dafa practitioner and should look inward no matter what.

I never realized I had so many attachments. Since my family were supportive of my practicing Falun Dafa, and they all quit the CCP, I felt I had done very well. My attachment to showing off came out when I talked to friends and fellow practitioners. When my relatives wanted to read Zhuan Falun and told their friends that Falun Dafa is good, I thought it was all due to my efforts. I couldn’t help bragging about my grandchildren. And I always thought I had never been persecuted because I cultivated so well. I believed that I was at higher level than other practitioners. I also realized that I had attachments to self-righteousness, resentment, lust, and more.

When I realized my problems, I became more humble, calm, and friendly when I got together with my family. Gradually, the atmosphere became cordial again.

My Family Says Falun Dafa Is Really Good

My father got the fourth COVID-19 vaccine at the end of December 2022. Afterwards, his health collapsed. Both of my brothers were infected and they couldn’t take care of him as they usually did.

I often called my father, but sometimes he picked up and sometimes he did not answer. On the night of December 26, I called him again. He finally picked up the phone after I tried several times. He sounded very weak, so I decided to drive back home. There was one second when I worried that I might be infected, but I immediately reminded myself I am a Falun Dafa practitioner.

Master said in the article “Wake Up,”

“The Great Way that you practice is what created all life in the universe, it is what has forged extraordinary divine beings, and is also what has created the tiniest of viruses and bacteria. You are someone who leads a life of spiritual development under the Great Way and who helps me to save people, and while saving people you have helped to eliminate for many people bacteria and viruses thousands of times more potent than those of any epidemic. And yet you haven’t managed to handle the matter of the pandemic properly, on a personal level.”

I got there at noon the next day. I knocked on the door and rang the door bell, but the house was silent. I had to call my brothers to bring the key. When we went in, we saw our father curled up on the sofa, his hair disheveled and he had a long white beard. The house was a mess. My brother was nervous and called the health care center. But he was told that they couldn’t do anything since a lot of people had similar symptoms after the fourth shot. They hung up and did not answer when we called again.

Father was in a bad way—he couldn’t even stand up. My brothers wore masks and stayed away from him for fear of contagion. I knew they were not doing that well, either, so I told them, “You can go home. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of father.”

I asked Master to save my father as I got him to drink some water and a cup of hot goat’s milk and kept talking to him. Gradually, his mind cleared and, little by little, he began to respond to me. He was able stand up by himself, and he even walked.

When I told my brothers, they said, “Thank you for coming home to help! We can’t imagine what would have happened to father otherwise!” They said that if the CCP didn’t persecute Falun Dafa, they would also practice.