(Minghui.org) I am a Falun Dafa practitioner from a rural area in Hebei Province. In 2007, I suddenly developed tendonitis in my right calf, which became swollen and bruised.

Before 2005, I had been lax in my Fa study, so when the tendonitis appeared I did not know how to look inward to understand why this happened. I thought this was a simple abscess that would mature, burst, and heal. 

One night, fellow practitioners and I rode our bikes to another village to post informational stickers about Falun Dafa. The bicycle pedal accidentally hit my calf, which was extremely painful. When I got home, I found that my shoe was full of pus and blood. I thought this occurred to help me eliminate my sickness karma.

I worked as usual during the day, but before bed, I massaged my leg to drain the swollen abscess. A great deal of blood and pus came out each time. I knew I had loopholes in my cultivation but didn’t know how to look inward. This situation continued on and off, for four years.

One morning, while studying Fa, Master helped me realize that I was too attached to my condition. I suddenly understood that I was not negating it; I was acknowledging it, since massaging the abscess on my leg every night had become a regular bedtime routine.

I also realized that in another dimension my leg was perfectly fine and that I should negate this false appearance of “sickness.” I am a Falun Dafa practitioner assisting Master in the Fa-rectification period. How could my leg be like this?

I completely negated the condition and ignored my leg for three days. My leg healed on its own! This is the wonder of Dafa and Master’s boundless compassion.
Thank you, Master, for compassionately looking after me!