(Minghui.org) My uncle Bin contracted COVID-19 in early 2022 when he was 97. Because the fever lasted for days, his family asked several doctors if they would come to his home to treat him. Worried about his condition and his old age, none of them were willing to go to his residence.

After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) suddenly lifted the lockdown, Bin’s family eventually became infected. His son Cheng attentively looked after him, but after two weeks his fever did not go down. Seeing the Chinese New Year was approaching and Bin’s condition was unstable, Cheng and his siblings—most of whom worked in cities far away—decided to have a family reunion. They contacted my husband and invited him.

Upon hearing the news, I had mixed feelings. I previously told Bin about Falun Dafa and the persecution by the CCP. It took a lot of effort to convince him to quit the CCP organizations, and he repeatedly said he was an atheist. This time, I called Cheng and suggested that the family recite the phrases “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance is good.” When he told Bin this, he started reciting the phrases.

His condition rapidly improved. When his children returned home for the Chinese New Year celebrations, they measured Bin’s temperature and found that the fever was gone. While continuing to take medication, Bin gradually recovered.

I went to see Bin when he celebrated his 99th birthday this year. When I asked about reciting the phrases, Cheng and Bin’s daughter said they also recited them, and were blessed. Not only that, several members in the family renounced their CCP memberships.

I am grateful to Falun Dafa and Master Li, the practice’s founder. During these years of the pandemic, both my husband’s family and my family have been safe.