(Minghui.org) People are seeking ways to improve their mental and physical health since the pandemic, and practitioners held free workshops in Chinese and English to teach the Falun Dafa exercises to the public. Attendees found the information through NTDTV, social media or other channels, and attended the workshop in the Maud Smith Marks Branch of the Harris County Public Library in Katy, a suburb of Houston, on July 13, 2024.

A Falun Dafa workshop was held on July 13, 2024.

Attendees watched a video of Master Li Hongzhi demonstrating the exercises, and practitioners corrected their movements as they followed the instructional videos. Participants asked where they could buy Falun Dafa books and join the group exercises. One said she wanted to read the original Chinese version of the main book, and another person said she could feel a strong energy flow.

Jackie, a local resident, said that she’s been searching for the meaning of life and started reading Falun Dafa’s main book Zhuan Falun. “I was born in a Buddhist family. I visited many temples in Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and other places. I also practiced Tai Chi and other meditations. I can see energy and different colors.”

One of her coworkers told her about Falun Dafa more than ten years ago, but she didn’t start practicing right away. Jackie met a practitioner while she was taking a walk in a park and received a brochure. She started reading Zhuan Falun afterwards. “I was touched when I read the first lecture. I felt closely connected to Falun Dafa and could feel Falun rotate in my body. I read the book once, but I’ll read it again.” She said she’d also like to read the original Chinese version.

Ana told a practitioner, “I wanted to learn Falun Dafa because I think it helps you improve health and find a spiritual path.” She read about Falun Dafa online before she attended the in-person workshop.

Ana said she felt a strong energy while doing the second exercise.

“I felt a lot of energy, especially during the second exercise. The energy was clearly on my hands. It was a great experience! Thank you! I will recommend Falun Dafa to others,” Ana said.

Jennifer, an immigrant from Hong Kong, said she’s been watching NTDTV every day. She said she had insomnia and wanted to improve her heath. After learning the exercises, Jennifer said she would continue learning online.