(Minghui.org) Practitioners held a march and rally in Montreal on July 13 to raise awareness of the persecution of Falun Dafa by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that has gone on since 1999. They told people about the benefits of practicing Falun Dafa and called for an end to the brutalities in China.

The march started at Cabot Square in the center of Montreal at 2 p.m. and proceeded down two main streets, Saint-Catherine Street and René-Lévesque Boulevard. Afterwards, practitioners held a rally at Place d’Armes, a square in Old Montreal.

Practitioners held a march and rally on July 13 in Montreal.

Mistreated for Following Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance

Wang Xiaohua, a former engineer at a design institute in China, began to practice Falun Dafa in August 1998. After the persecution started in 1999, he was arrested, subjected to brainwashing, and detained in a forced labor camp.

Former engineer Wang Xiaohua

Despite the mistreatment, Wang never gave up on his belief. “Falun Dafa teaches me to be a good person and better person according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance,” he said. “This is the most important to me.”

Wang said that after the CCP began to suppress Falun Dafa, practitioners continued to follow these principles and remain peaceful while telling the public about the persecution. The CCP has harmed millions of people during its numerous political campaigns over the past few decades. Every time, the regime fabricates lies to target the innocent and this persecution is no exception.

Wang commented that, because the CCP engineers systematic cover-ups and misinformation, it takes time to recognize the true nature of the regime. When he testified about the CCP’s forced organ harvesting in Parliament in Canada in 2006, not everyone believed him and some even ridiculed him. It is now known that the forced organ harvesting has affected not only Falun Dafa practitioners, but also Uyghurs, Tibetans, and ordinary Chinese citizens. The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed a bill that sanctions individuals involved in forced organ harvesting in China. Many people have thanked Falun Dafa practitioners for doing the right thing.

“We have been opposing the persecution for 25 years—since 1999—a generation,” Wang said. “We are able to do it because of our faith in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.”

Rescuing 80-Year-Old Detained Mother

Ms. Cong Xinmiao, a Canadian citizen, attended the event and called on people to help rescue her mother Ms. Cong Lanying. Because she practices Falun Dafa, 80-year-old Ms. Cong is serving a four-year term in prison. The Foreign Affairs Minister of Canada has expressed concern over this matter.

Ms. Cong Xinmiao (left) asked for help to rescue her 80-year-old mother who is detained in China for practicing Falun Dafa.

Elderly Ms. Cong used to suffer from numerous ailments including heart disease and she often fainted. Compressed nerves in her vertebrae rendered the left side of her body numb. The pain was so severe that she wanted to end her life. After she began practicing Falun Dafa in 1997, all her health issues disappeared and she was thrilled. Witnessing these miracles, many family members also began practicing.

After the CCP started to suppress Falun Dafa in 1999, local officials harassed her at home. They banged the table and yelled, attempting to intimidate her and stop her from practicing. She told them, “Falun Dafa gave me good health and made me a good person. I cannot act against my conscience.” Because she refused to stop practicing, the police often harassed her and detained her. In February 2023, she was sentenced to four years in prison.

“During the 25 years of persecution by the CCP, countless families have been torn apart and innocent people are suffering. My family is just one example. The CCP should stop the atrocities immediately and release all detained Falun Dafa practitioners, including my mother,” her daughter said.

Support from Spectators

Passersby who saw the event were surprised to learn that Falun Dafa practitioners are persecuted in China. Many people said that should not be happening and agreed with the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

Former business manager Elizabeth

Elizabeth, a retired business manager, is from Montreal. She was impressed by the march because she said the participants were very peaceful, so different from other such events she’s seen. She’s visited China a few times and is aware of the CCP’s suppression. She thanked practitioners for their efforts and said the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are vital for our society. She said the entire world should condemn the CCP’s brutalities.


Jordan, who works as a recruiter, was heartened to see Falun Dafa practitioners telling people about the CCP’s human rights violations. He thanked practitioners and hoped they continued their efforts.

People accepted the information about Falun Dafa and the persecution.

Vanilda and her family from Toronto said the persecution must stop since everyone should have freedom of belief. She agreed with the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, saying they were critical for the chaos we are living in today.