(Minghui.org) I learned Falun Dafa when I was attending college. At that time, I only read Dafa books occasionally and rarely practiced the exercises.

I was infected when the COVID pandemic broke out in our province in late October 2022. I remembered practitioners saying that the pandemic was meant to eliminate those who followed the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), so I wondered if I was infected because I had CCP culture elements. I took a few days off and went to stay with my mother, who is a practitioner.

After I got to my mother’s home, I lay in bed all afternoon. I was in excruciating pain that evening, but I got up the next morning to do the exercises with her. Overcoming the fatigue and pain, I managed to do all five exercises, although I couldn’t meditate for an hour. I threw up every time I ate. Mother told me it was all due to interference, and encouraged me to eat even though I didn’t feel like it. We read the Fa, practiced the exercises, and sent righteous thoughts. I forced myself to eat.

When I could no longer endure the pain while meditating, my mother encouraged me, saying, “Persist for five more minutes every day. You’re in pain because you are eliminating karma.” A fellow practitioner also came to encourage me by sharing her personal experiences.

I reflected deeply on myself, believing that if others could do it, so could I. I remembered what Master said in Zhuan Falun, “When it’s difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it’s impossible to do, you can do it.” (Lecture Nine, Zhuan Falun)

Searching inward, I found many attachments: lust, fear, competitiveness, jealousy, and validating myself. I sent righteous thoughts at the four global times each day and read the Fa to rectify myself. Finally, the day before my leave ended, I was able to meditate for an hour and eat without vomiting—I was well. I am grateful to Master!

I returned to my home and continued reading and memorizing the Fa every day. When I face difficulties at work, have conflicts, or when my personal interests are infringed upon, I know to reflect upon and restrain myself—although I occasionally still lose my temper but regret it afterward.

I now listen regularly to the recording of the book Dissolving Communist Party Culture as well as to fellow practitioners’ experience sharing articles to eliminate the CCP culture still inside me.