(Minghui.org) I was a bone cancer patient who miraculously recovered after practicing Falun Dafa in 1996. Since then, I have not fallen ill nor taken any medication for over 20 years. In addition, Dafa transformed me from a selfish, narrow-minded, bad tempered and depressed person, into a magnanimous and kind cultivator who now walks on the divine path. Falun Dafa has allowed me to understand my true purpose in life, convinced me of the existence of gods and Buddhas, shown me the way back to heaven, and established the truth behind myths and legends.

Despite falling three times and fracturing my bones in 2009, I recovered within days without visiting a hospital or receiving medical treatment. This is a miracle which remains inexplicable when viewed through the lens of modern medicine.

The First Fall Happened when Hosting a Gathering

I was at a leisure resort by the river hosting a gathering when I fell, fracturing my right sciatic bone on September 19, 2009. I felt excruciating pain as a security guard helped me up, and I hurriedly asked my children to take me home so I could do the Falun Gong exercises. My daughter suggested: “Since our visitors are our family guests, why not do the exercises here?” Accepting her advice, I did the exercises at the resort. After the gathering had ended, my family helped me to our car and delivered me to the entrance of our gated community. They instructed me to wait there while they sent our guests home.

After sitting for a while though, I thought, “Why should I wait for them to help me home? I’ll go home by myself, even if I have to crawl back!” Determined, I got on my feet and inched forward while holding onto the railing for support. I was discovered by security guards while on the way, and two security guards eventually carried me home.

The right side of my body soon was swollen and rather painful, while my right hip and chest became hot and feverish. I found it difficult to lie down, so I continued doing the exercises. I supported myself with a chair while going to the bathroom, using a pillow to slowly sit up or lie down in bed. Although each sitting up took me over 40 minutes, I told myself, “I am a cultivator, I cannot remain disabled.” By the second day I could move around freely as usual, with just a chair to hold onto to support myself as I walked.

I was invited to attend a class reunion on the morning of the third day. Because I had walked away unhurt despite repeated falls in the past, my family did not object to my going. Additionally, they were unaware that I was more severely injured this time. I waited until everyone had left our home, before picking up my bag and hobbling to the door with the support of a wooden chair. I told myself, “I must go out today. After telling them about the extraordinary powers of Dafa, I can’t tell them that I was injured and can’t come. I must make it to the gathering today!”

But at the door, I found myself unable to move a single step without support from the chair. As I stood, trembling, I recalled Master’s teachings,

“Lay down your human, mundane, mind,The Fa gained, you now stand divine,...”(“Salvation Far and Wide,” Hong Yin).

I told myself, “I have obtained the Fa and now stand divine. How can a divine being fail to walk on his or her own? I will definitely walk out on my own.” With this thought, I successfully took a small step forward. I thought again, “Since I have the ability to move one step, naturally I can take another.” This way I walked out of my home and took the elevator down.

Two security guards immediately rushed forward and asked, “Where are you going?” They tried to support me, but the moment they did, the pain returned and my ability to walk left me. I told them, “I have a class reunion today. You don’t have to help me. I can walk by myself.” They were shocked, “Can you walk?” I firmly replied, “Yes,” but they remained doubtful. After some more reassurance, they finally let go, staring at me blankly. Although the pain had vanished, my legs refused to move. I had to instruct them, “Don’t hover around me, go do your own things.” They walked away, but kept looking back at me from time to time.

I held onto the walls and railings, and slowly made my way down to the ground floor. At the compound entrance, when the security guard at the gate quickly stepped forward to support me, my pain instantly returned. I said to him, “You don’t have to support me. Instead, go call a taxi for me.” When the taxi arrived, I moved to sit down, and the security guard helped me move my injured leg into the car. Strangely, my injury hurt badly when he did so, but stopped as soon as he finished.

At my destination, the kind driver let me hold onto his car for support and made sure I was safely in the house before driving away. I grabbed onto chairs, made my way over to my old classmates, sat down and spent the rest of the day talking with them. Throughout, I felt no pain, so I took this opportunity to tell them about Falun Dafa.

After dinner, I walked to the entrance of the street with my classmates. Although every step was painful, I was still able to walk, and no one noticed anything amiss. After we parted ways, I tried to catch a taxi home, but was refused by every taxi driver I met. Later, I realized Master’s intention of letting me walk home by myself.

The Second Fall: Slipping on the Wet Ground

My second fall happened not long after the first.

On the evening of October 14, 2009, I was alone at home making my bed and cleaning the floor when I slipped on the wet ground and fell. I fractured by tailbone, and I could not get up. Upon receiving my call, my son rushed home and carried me to the bed. I started experiencing the same pain as before, and immediately started doing the Falun Gong exercises. Having learned from my previous experience, I remained unafraid and thought to myself, “I waited a day before going out last time. This time I will leave the house tomorrow!”

Coincidentally, my younger sister fell ill that night and was taken to the local hospital by an ambulance. I went to visit her the following morning and ran into several acquaintances and friends who happened to be there. We chatted and I clarified the facts about Falun Gong to them. Nobody there suspected I was suffering from a serious injury. The pain remained after I returned home, and I found it difficult to sit up or lie down, but I knew, “As long as I can stand up, I can go out!”

The following day, I traveled to a distant location to send forth righteous thoughts for fellow practitioners illegally tried in court. We boarded the first bus before dawn, and despite the uneven road, the pain was less severe than I expected. Although the bus was shaking badly, it felt as though a large pair of hands were supporting my broken tailbone.

My karma was quickly eliminated this time. Despite the severe fracture, I was able to walk on my own the next day without requiring medical treatment, a feat unachievable by an ordinary person. My younger sister similarly fell and fractured her tailbone, but remains in pain despite resting in bed for nearly a year. Dafa’s supernatural powers are truly miraculous compared to conventional treatments!

The Third Fall Happened from a Staircase

My family and I were on our way to a restaurant near a park on November 14, 2009, when I accidentally fell from a one-meter-high staircase. Passersby quickly shouted, “Call 120 [for an ambulance]”! Everyone thought I was injured due to my advanced age. Yet I sat up on my own and reassured them, “It’s okay!” My family also echoed my words, but everyone refused to believe us and started blaming my son. “Your mother is so old, aren’t you afraid? It may not hurt now, but it will hurt later when she tries to stand! At least visit the hospital to check for any broken bones.” We continued to insist I was fine, and I immediately got up and walked into the park. Several kind people followed behind me and asked, “Grandmother, even if you are afraid, you should still go for an examination. At the very least, you should immediately apply some medicinal wine or safflower oil.” I replied, “It’s okay, because I am a Falun Dafa practitioner.” On hearing my words, everyone understood and stopped trying to persuade me.

Afterwards, my son drove me to a relative’s home, where my relative accompanied me for a long half day stroll. Although there was some residual pain in my bones, I gritted my teeth and still managed to bear it.

In the process of overcoming these three tribulations, I was able to cultivate away my human attachments of fear, zealotry, showing off and worrying over things. Believing in Master and the Fa, and having righteous thoughts and actions, are the conditions for miracles to occur. Thank you Master for your compassionate protection.