(Minghui.org) Practitioners go out together by electric bikes to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa to people. Many people benefited from understanding the facts and received blessings. From that I felt Master’s compassion and Dafa’s supernatural power. No words can express my gratitude for Master and the preciousness of Dafa. People are so fortunate to learn about Falun Dafa.

Benefiting from Believing in Dafa

One day we went out to clarify the truth. We saw an old man in his 70s sitting in front of his house, holding no expression on his face. He seemed to be sick. We went over to greet him. He responded slowly. The practitioner talked to him about Falun Dafa and asked him, “Do you understand what I’m telling you?” He nodded. Then, the practitioner explained to him why it is necessary to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations. Then, we asked him again whether he understood. He nodded. Then, we asked whether he had joined any CCP’s organizations. He began to talk and said that he joined the Young Pioneers. We asked for his name, which he told us too. Then the practitioner told him to recite the two phrases, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and doing that can surely be beneficial to him.

A few months later, we saw the old man again outside his house. He looked like a new person compared to when we saw him last. He was in good spirits. He no longer responded slowly, and he spoke clearly. His complexion looked very good and he looked healthy. He even looked younger. He smiled when he saw us. He was happy and asked for two new year pictures from us that have Falun Dafa messages written on them. He told us that he was still reciting the two phrases and he thanked us. We were also happy for him. He understood Falun Dafa and benefited. His change over several months shows Dafa’s supernatural power.

Believing in Dafa

Once we gave a woman in her 70s a calendar, in which was written information about Falun Dafa. She took the calendar happily. She said, “I also believe Dafa and I have believed it for quite a few years. I had cerebral hemorrhage before and I recovered from it by believing in Dafa. Look how healthy I am now. I can do any farming work!” She looked healthy and didn’t at all look like somebody who had suffered from cerebral hemorrhage in the past. She continued, “I benefit from believing Dafa. I told my entire family to believe Dafa. My grandson also benefited. He was admitted to a top notch university.”

At the beginning we thought she was also a practitioner. We found when we asked, that she read Dafa informational brochures that somebody left at her house. She said that she understood what was explained in the brochure and understood that reciting the two phrases can bring her blessings. She did that and benefited. So she wanted to get her entire family to benefit. We were truly happy for her. She was saved.

Finally Meeting Up With Practitioners

Another time we gave a woman in her 80s an informational calendar with facts about Dafa written on it. She was happy and said that she finally came across us. She said she also wanted to read the Fa and do the Dafa exercises, but didn’t know how to study and do the exercises. She said that she had quite a few Falun Dafa books at home. She read them every day, and the more she read them, the more she enjoyed reading them.

We asked which books she was reading. She went inside her house and brought out a few informational brochures about Falun Dafa. The brochures looked old because she read them everyday. She said that she understood what she read and benefited. She used to have back pain and it was difficult for her to do physical work. Without being aware of it, the pain on her back disappeared. The more she read the brochures, the more comfortable her body felt. She also told her family to read the brochures, but her son doesn’t believe it much. She said that she hoped that her family also benefits from her reading the Dafa information. Her back was straight, no hunchback, no deafness, no blurry eyes and her physical condition was excellent.

Master's Compassion

I’m sharing only a few things I experienced. I’m grateful that Master’s compassion is everywhere. I thank Master on behalf of these people who understand the facts about Dafa. I also hope that practitioners will pay attention to the role of informational brochures about Dafa. The brochures contain comprehensive and detailed information. With brochures laying the foundation, clarifying the truth face to face become easier and one can gain better results. I hope that practitioners will cooperate to save more people and let more people learn about Dafa and benefit from Master’s compassion.