(Minghui.org) Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa) practitioners set up a booth and demonstrated the exercises in the heart of Manhattan at Lexington Avenue and 47th Street on Sunday, July 7, 2024. Many people talked with them, and some started to learn the exercises.

Practitioners introduced Falun Gong in the center of Manhattan.

Practitioners distributed information about Falun Gong and demonstrated the exercises. They also told people how the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) persecutes those who practice Falun Gong. Many people signed the petition in support of the Falun Gong Protection Act when they learned about the persecution, including how practitioners are targeted for organ harvesting.

People sign the petition in support of the Falun Gong Protection Act.

People Encourage Practitioners’ Efforts to Expose the Persecution

Alex Danski learned all five exercises and could sit in the lotus position when she did the fifth exercise.

Alex Danski is against the persecution of Falun Gong.

When Alex learned how the CCP persecutes practitioners, including live organ harvesting, and that the persecution is ongoing, she signed the petition supporting the Falun Gong Protection Act.

Warren Edwards learned that practitioners have no human rights in China and no freedom of belief under the authoritarian rule of the CCP. If they practice their belief or distribute materials about it in China, they may be imprisoned. He said he supported the practitioners’ efforts to expose this persecution and to uphold human rights and freedom of belief.

Only a Nation Whose People Are Kind Will Be Blessed

Prathap from India said that he supported Falun Gong because in India, he saw teachers and students practicing Falun Gong at a school and it impressed him.

Prathap said he saw teachers showing students how to practice Falun Gong at a school in India.

He said he knew the CCP regime was pernicious and that it harms people and the whole world, so he signed the petition. He said that only a nation whose people have kind hearts will be protected by God and have true happiness and good fortune.

Many Chinese tourists smiled when they saw the Falun Gong booth. Some talked to practitioners and said that the CCP has committed too many bad deeds and that one day the truth will be revealed to the world.