(Minghui.org) I am 82 years old and have practiced Falun Dafa for less than one year. I suffered from esophageal cancer last year and hospital treatments were not successful in curing me. I then embarked on the path of Dafa cultivation, and soon the cancer disappeared. I am very grateful to Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa cultivation practice. 

I felt weak in October 2023. I could not swallow food and had difficulty falling asleep. l was panicked and depressed and started to lose weight day by day. I was diagnosed with advanced esophageal cancer at that time. My younger son asked the doctor to treat me at any price. I thus underwent advanced medical treatment including chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

There was no improvement after being treated for a long time. I could only take a little bit of liquid food. I was still weak and bony. I knew that my life was about to end. I would rather live in peace at home for a few days than annoyedly wait for death in the hospital. So I checked out of the hospital and returned to my home. 

My wife has been a Falun Dafa practitioner for years. She is 82 and looks as if she is in her 60s. She can take care of any job that needs to be done around the house. Encouraged by her, I decided to practice Dafa myself.

I started to do the five sets of exercises with my wife every morning. The exercise music was so mellow that I was attentive and did not feel tired. I also read Dafa books every day. I followed the Dafa principles of ‘Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance’ to become a better person. I became considerate of other people and got rid of my selfishness and other unrighteous notions. 

After a short time, I could sleep well and no longer felt ill. I could eat any kind of food, and my weight returned to normal. I looked healthy and walked energetically.

My elder son said, “Falun Dafa really saved my father! I will no longer oppose it. Falun Dafa is good! Thank you, Master Li Hongzhi!”

The recovery of my health is strong evidence of the miracles that can occur while practicing Falun Dafa. When my wife and I share information about Falun Dafa with others, we tell them about my experience to demonstrate the truth and beauty of Dafa. 

Now, my entire family, relatives, and friends all believe the auspicious phrases, Falun Dafa is good, and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.