(Minghui.org) As a victim of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of Falun Dafa, I was illegally sentenced for many years in prison, and my identity (ID) card was taken away by the police.

After my release in March 2012, I went to the police station to apply for a new ID card. An officer in his 30s told me arrogantly “To get your ID card, you must report to the [police] station every week, and write a thought report every month. You also need to prepare a resume under my direction.” He then handed me a pen and piece of paper.

I stood up to him saying, “We are both citizens of the People’s Republic of China, and we are equal. I should have control of my own resume, and you have no right to tell me how to write it. There is no legal basis to request me to show up at the station and write a report on a regular basis. Aren’t you bullying ordinary people? Well, I don’t need to get the ID card, I need to talk to your director and show him how you treat citizens.”

His attitude changed completely. He stood up, grabbed my clothes, and started begging me not to do that, as he needed this job. “It doesn’t matter to me whether you have a job or not,” I replied. “Who gives you the power to bully ordinary people? I want to talk to your director and see if your director encourages such behavior.” The officer apologized again by saying it was not his intention and he just followed orders from the upper levels. I continued, “You have no right to treat ordinary people like this.” I walked out of the police station while he was still begging me not to leave.

One day in December 2023, three people showed up at my house in the countryside. One of them was a policeman. I politely let them in. The policeman said seriously that he was here to record me, and pulled out a small tape recorder. I tried to stop him by saying loudly, “What are you doing? You have no right to record me. In fact, I can record you.” I then pulled out my phone and started recording him. He immediately stopped and put the tape recorder back in his pocket.

I pointed out that they were harassing us. “What would happen if I went to your house and started recording you?” He seemed to be embarrassed. He then turned to my wife and said, “Come here. I would like to give you a lecture on common law.” I confronted him firmly, “Why do you come here to teach us the law? By doing this, you are interfering with our normal life. Isn’t it illegal for you to do this? I have worked all my life, but you [the police] took my pension away just because I practice Falun Dafa. I have had no choice but to go to the countryside and rent two acres of land to make a living. You still don’t let me have my leisure time.”

The policeman stood up and said to the other two people, “Let’s go! Don’t bother them.”

Nowadays, the police break the law, but are not always aware that they have done so. Preventing them from breaking the law is also a sign of mercy and compassion toward them.