(Minghui.org) I am a 71-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner who started to practice in 1997. My husband passed away when my daughter was only 10 years old. With no source of income, I had to make a living by collecting glass bottles that could be recycled. It was not easy. Sometimes I traveled far to collect glass bottles or broken glass. They are heavy and don’t sell for much money. Even if I collected a full tricycle load – about 200 or 300 pounds, I could not make much money. 

I am happy to be a Falun Dafa practitioner. I used to suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and leg pain (synovitis). All of these problems vanished after I began to practice Falun Dafa. I became full of energy. Riding the tricycle became easier and I felt like someone was pushing me from behind. 

With the protection of Master Li (the founder of Falun Dafa), I have practiced Dafa all these years. Here I want to share some stories on how I improved my xinxing during my cultivation. 

Several Traffic Accidents

Once when I was walking down the street, a tricycle that was carrying a refrigerator was moving very fast and knocked me down from behind. The tricycle owner was terrified. In a trembling voice, he said, “How about I send you to a hospital?”

Still lying face-down on the ground, I immediately replied, “No worries. I am fine!” I got up and found that only my pants had some tears, but I was totally fine. Pedestrians who saw this were also scared; the tricycle was moving so fast and the refrigerator could have broken my leg. But with Master Li’s help, I was all right. 

The owner was still nervous. “Let’s go to a hospital, okay?” he said. “I am a Falun Dafa practitioner and I am all right,” I replied. “Please just go. Trust me.” I was indeed fine; it was a miracle. Had I not practiced Falun Dafa, it could’ve ended very differently.

Another time, a minivan knocked me down, leaving me unable to walk. The driver sent me to a hospital and the exam showed that I’d fractured a bone in my lower back. I told the driver and the doctor I would go home to recover and wouldn’t stay in the hospital. The driver gave me 2,000 yuan and left. 

After I returned home, another practitioner studied the Fa and did the Falun Dafa exercises with me. I recovered two weeks later and wanted to return the 2,000 yuan, but I didn’t know where he lived. Two years later I got his address. Another practitioner gave me a ride there, but the driver wasn’t home. I gave the money to his wife and mother, and told them the facts of Dafa. Both of them were very moved. 

I had another accident when I was moving furniture at home one day in 2022, and I fell on my back. My daughter sent me to a hospital; I’d again fractured a bone in my back. My daughter forced me to have surgery, but I did not feel any pain throughout the process. I knew Master Li bore the pain for me. I am always so thankful to Master for helping me again and again. 

Letting Go of Material Interests

Another practitioner knows how to print Dafa phrases on paper bills, so I often go to banks to break large bills for small ones for her to use. Once when I was at a bank, the clerk said she gave me an extra 100 yuan when I visited there two months ago. I said I didn’t remember if that happened, but I gave her the money anyway. After hearing this, my daughter wanted to go and argue with the clerk. I told her, “What is more important, 100 yuan or virtue? Plus, my good health is worth more than 100 yuan, right?” My daughter let it go. I was happy for her since Falun Dafa helped us to be good people.

I opened a small convenience store where I live and sold cigarettes. From time to time, I had xinxing conflicts when people made purchases. Most of the time I purchased goods from tobacco companies, but when some of them were out of stock, I occasionally bought from other vendors. One time a vendor told me I had not paid him 400 yuan. I thought I had, but I gave him the money anyway. 

Another time, I got some goods from another vendor and paid him 2,000 yuan. After some time, he asked for the money again. Since it was a lot of money, I felt upset. Since I am a Dafa practitioner, I knew this was a test to examine my attachment to material interests, so I gave him the money without hesitation. 

Once I let go of these attachments, my business went very well. I knew this was encouragement from Master Li. Master said, 

“... as a cultivator should follow the course of nature. If something is yours, you will not lose it. If something is not yours, you will not have it even if you fight for it.” (Lecture Seven, Zhuan Falun)

I know everything Master said is true. 

Looking back over these years, I am so thankful for Master’s compassionate salvation. I will do better on my remaining cultivation path. 

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)