(Minghui.org) Before I began practicing Falun Dafa, I was bedridden and just waiting for death. Now I am healthy and my family is happy. Falun Dafa gave me a new life and taught me the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Many people around me heard about Falun Dafa and they are very supportive of my belief. They were blessed as a result.

A New Lease on Life

It was 2004 and I was 32. Due to several health problems, I was in a lot of pain. The pain plus the mental stress left me bedridden. Seeing me in that condition, one neighbor said, “It’s such a pity that a young woman like you may die soon.” My husband said, “After you die, you mother will blame me for not taking care of you. Let me go away for a month on temporary jobs so I can buy you a casket.”

Another neighbor was a Falun Dafa practitioner. When she heard about my situation, she invited me to her place to learn Dafa. I could not turn down her kindness and went. After reading Zhuan Falun (the main teachings of Falun Dafa) and doing the exercises for a few days, I no longer felt sick. My mental state also improved dramatically, and I was no longer upset by how my relatives mistreated me. When my husband came home a month later, he could not believe my physical and mental changes. He kept rubbing his eyes and asked, “How did you recover?”

My Husband Benefits

Over the years my husband has always known that Falun Dafa is great. Every day on his way to work he recites, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” On major holidays, he kowtows to Master’s portrait in respect.

My husband has been blessed. He used to take lots of medications for all kinds of ailments, but for the last 20 years he has rarely taken any. His skin used to be dark and coarse like cowhide. Now his skin is fair and smooth. He was in an accident, and witnesses said that his medical bills would be outrageous. But my husband only spent 32 yuan and quickly recovered.

My Daughter’s Tenosynovitis Disappears

When I started to practice Dafa, my daughter was 15 and she was very naughty. Noticing how my mind and body improved, she also read Zhuan Falun. She later became busy—she got married, had a baby, and worked, and she stopped practicing. But she remembered and lived by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Whenever she saw practitioners being persecuted, she tried to protect them.

No matter how the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) has suppressed Dafa and harassed practitioners through the years, my daughter always sided with Dafa. There are eight of us in our family, and she does most of the cooking. It is rare for an only child like her to have such filial piety, as most only children are spoiled.

My father-in-law was hospitalized. One day my daughter said, “Grandpa will come home soon, but his hospital ward is so dirty. How about we clean it?” So we went to the hospital and cleaned the room. When we were almost finished, my daughter suddenly noticed that her tenosynovitis (also known as Mommy’s wrist) was gone. She’d had the thumb-sized bump on her wrist for 10 years and often needed medication and other treatment to ease it. “Mom,” she said, “Now I know that divine blessings are a reward for one’s filial piety and that the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are really good.” After this, her belief in Falun Dafa became more firm.

One time she got a fish bone stuck in her throat, and we went to the hospital four times, but the doctor could not get it out. On our way home the last time, my daughter recited “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” and the bone came out on its own.

A Village Official

A former village official had a very good impression of Falun Dafa because her coworkers who were practitioners were very conscientious, which made her work much easier. She also knew that many other workers recovered from serious illnesses after reciting the auspicious phrases. If she saw a practitioner at home, she even said, “Why don’t you go out and tell people about Falun Dafa? I can give you a ride.”

Having witnessed how corrupt the CCP is, she quit her job as an official and opened a shop. She continues to help practitioners clarify the truth. Her son used to do poorly in school, but during his last year in high school, he improved dramatically and was accepted to a very nice college. “My son is not smart,” she told practitioners, “but Master Li helped him.”

My Neighbor

Yang is my neighbor. Recently, her 40-year-old nephew developed a mental disorder and the family planned to take him to Chengdu Psychiatric Hospital. They had to pay a 3,000-yuan deposit.

The next morning, my husband and I went with Yang to her nephew’s place. The nephew saw me and said, “I know you are here to save me.” I suggested that he recite the auspicious phrases, which he did. We also watched a Shen Yun performance video together. I noticed a picture of a former CCP leader hanging in his room. I asked my husband to burn it.

I went to the psychiatric hospital with them. A doctor invited us to visit the patients’ ward first. There was only one small, high window in the ward, and everything was locked up. “I don’t want to stay here,” the nephew told me. “The people here are all crazy and I am not.” His family did not know what to do and asked me for advice. I said it would be fine for him to return home since he recited the phrases and watched a Shen Yun performance.

Several years have passed, and the nephew has been fine ever since. He returned to work as a car mechanic and later started a business repairing tractors. Now he has several employees and his business is doing well.

Helping a Taoist

I had a dream that I was sitting on a tiger and heard a voice say, “This Taoist is dying because the CCP persecuted her. Please help her.” “Of course,” I replied. I scooted back a bit, picked up the Taoist, put her in front of me on the tiger, and dashed out to a place called Nanmu.

I ran into the Taoist a year later near a bridge on the way to Nanmu Town. She was in her 40s, wearing a shabby Taoist robe. She said, “The CCP persecuted me and demolished my Taoist temple. I have no place to go and I live in somebody’s house.” I told her about Falun Dafa and the suppression, and suggested that she quit the CCP organizations. She agreed to renounce her membership in the Young Pioneers that she’d joined as a child.

Back home, I remembered the dream and realized that Taoist had been saved for a better future. I also know Master has arranged everything and I just have to do it. Thank you, Master.