(Minghui.org) During the Qingming Festival (Tomb Sweeping Day in China) in 2023, it rained heavily for two days. The first day, an 85-year-old practitioner in our Fa study group took his 79-year-old practitioner wife to a market fair six milesaway on his electric bicycle, braving the wind and rain, to clarify the truth to people. Despite the rain, the fair was crowded because it was a holiday. When they returned home they were soaking wet, but they were very happy. They distributed all their materials and persuaded many people to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliates.

It rained a little less the second day, but the wind increased. I said, “Master, please forgive me, the weather is bad today, so I will study the Fa at home today.” As soon as I sat down, I recalled that I owed someone 300 yuan and promised to repay him at the fair that day. I knew I had to go because if I failed to keep my promise I was not being truthful.

I went downstairs and took out my bicycle. The wind was strong and I really didn’t want to go. As I was hesitating, my son-in-law who works the night shift came home. I thought about asking him to drive me to the fair, but then I thought he must be very tired. Although I’m nearly 80, I’m a practitioner, and I should have consideration for others. Even though I was wearing a raincoat, my clothes were soaked. I finally reached the fair.

I saw three elderly practitioners from our Fa study group at the fair clarifying the truth and handing out information. They are 85, 79, and 69 years of age. I was moved to see them there: They all have the heart to save people! I quickly gave the man the money I owed him, and I joined them. I also enlightened that Master let me see these practitioners’ diligence as a hint that I can’t slack off in saving people. I’m grateful for Master’s hint!

People with Predestined Relationships Can Be Saved

Another time, it rained heavily for two days. The rain lessened on the third day, so I decided to go to a place six miles away to clarify the truth. A storm began as soon I got off the bus. I couldn’t hold my umbrella, and my clothes got all wet, so I quickly ran under a tent. There were many people under the tent talking about the extreme weather that year. I thought it was a good chance to clarify the truth to them. I said, “Heaven’s plans supersede ours. No matter how capable one is, when the cosmic change happens, a person’s abilities mean nothing.” I then clarified the truth to them. Three people quit the CCP and its affiliates. The rain lightened, so I left.

When I left the tent, I noticed all the booth owners wearing raincoats. I recognized a few retired CCP officials and who previously refused to listen to the truth, with the same excuse that “we receive money from the CCP, so we can’t oppose the CCP.” Unexpectedly, in such extreme weather, all of them were willing to listen to the truth this time. They all quit the CCP, and asked for truth-clarification materials. Six former CCP members quit in a short time. I knew that Master was doing everything. All I did was endure a little hardship and open my mouth. Thank you, Master!

A Bad Thing Becomes a Good Thing

I saw a couple selling cantaloupes at the fair. I clarify the truth there every day and remember all the booth owners—but I hadn’t clarified the truth to them. I bought three melons which cost 10 yuan, and I gave them 2 fives. The man took the money and put it in the money drawer. I offered him an amulet, but he refused it.

When I was about to clarify the truth to them, the wife asked me to come back and talk to them later. Seeing there were many people there buying melons, I took a few steps back. I waited about 10 minutes, but there were still a lot of people buying melons. So I decided to go somewhere else and come back later. As soon as I turned around, the man shouted, “You didn’t pay yet.” I turned back and asked him, “Who didn’t pay?” He said, “You.” I said, “I paid you already.” He immediately began to curse, “You unruly woman, you have to pay for it!” I was confused, and I argued with him.

Many people gathered. Someone who knew me persuaded me to leave, but I refused. I was determined to make things clear. At that time, I recalled that I paid them with bills that had truth-clarification phrases on them. So I said, “The bills I paid you have messages written on them.” Then I opened their money drawer and quickly picked up a bill with the phrases on them. When I was about to find the next one, the man locked the drawer and asked his wife to get me out of there. Someone else also persuaded me to leave. I said when I walked away, “When you count the money at home, you’ll find the bills with the phrases on them.”

Later, I shared this experience with a fellow practitioner. She said, “It was only 10 yuan, you should have just given it to him. Such a small thing!” I said, “I couldn’t give it to him! If I gave it to him, others would think I really didn’t pay them, and it would discredit the title of Dafa practitioner.”

After I thought about it, I felt very uncomfortable. I said to Master, “Master, please forgive me, I didn’t pass the test well, I wasn’t able to save them. Furthermore, I made them produce karma. Please give me one more chance.” Later, whenever I saw that couple at the fair, the wife always said to me angrily, “You just didn’t pay.” I always silently smiled and kept walking. But I always thought about finding a chance to save them.

I passed their booth again in April. The man suddenly said to me in a low voice, “Would you like to buy a watermelon?” I said with a smile, “Good, I am planning to buy one.” I picked up a very big watermelon, and he told me it was 1.4 yuan per pound. I knew other vendors sold at 1 yuan per pound, but I still bought it because I wanted to save them. Both of them smiled as they talked to me. I clarified the truth, and they both quit the CCP and its affiliates and accepted the materials I offered them. I offered the wife a truth-clarification amulet, but she was reluctant to accept it. The man immediately told her to take it. She took it and even recognized me. I said, “Let me leave the melon here and I’ll talk to other people. I’ll come back later to get it.” They said with a smile, “Alright.” I turned around and shed tears. I felt relieved that they were eventually saved.

When I went back to get my watermelon, only the man was there. I said to him sincerely, “I’m sorry. Master asked us to kindly explain things, but I had a bad temper and failed to endure. Please do not say Falun Dafa is not good, it was I who didn’t cultivate well. But I really did pay you the money that day.” The man smiled and said, “Okay. See, I hung the amulet in my vehicle.” I smiled and left.

I later told this to a fellow practitioner. She said, “You did great!” I said, “If I hadn’t learned Falun Dafa, being wronged and insulted in front of so many people, I would hate them for life. But now I am a cultivator, I should look within and endure losses, and I should apologize to them.”

Through this experience, I enlightened that: without this incident, they might not have been able to quit the CCP so smoothly. My attachment to benefits was also removed in the process: I bought the watermelon at a higher price than I could have. From then on, no matter what I buy, I always think about the Fa principle of loss and gain.

Master Helped Me Get Through a Big Tribulation

One day this year, I planned to take a bus to a fair to clarify the truth. I saw a man in his 70s at the bus stop and chatted with him. He told me he was a retired military officer. I said, “No matter how high of an official you were, you must follow Heaven’s will. Now the pandemic is rampant, and everyone wants to be safe.” I told the truth about the staged self-immolation at Tiananmen Square, the movement of quitting the CCP and its affiliates, etc. He understood the truth and quit the CCP using his real name. I also gave him some truth-clarification materials. He said he would read them when he got home. Then the bus came and we both boarded it.

When the bus arrived at my destination, I got off the bus with a flow of people. Two acquaintances, who quit the CCP, saw me. They walked up to shake hands with me and greeted me. I was distracted, and my left foot stepped in a small hole in the road, and I fell. My pants tore, and my left foot also bled. All the other passengers gathered around. Being afraid this could bring a negative view of Dafa (there were quite a few acquaintances who I helped quit the CCP), I endured the pain and forced myself to walk. I thought, “No matter how much it hurts, I have to hold on. I mustn’t discredit Dafa. I know I have loopholes in my cultivation and have been taken advantage of by the old forces, but no matter how, I shall distribute all the materials today and save the people who need saving.”

I walked along the roadside, recalling scenes in the video of Master’s Fa-teaching class, imitating them and stamping my foot hard, thinking, “Please save me, Master! I’m alright! I’m alright!” It was almost one mile between the bus stop and the fair, during which I helped one CCP official and one CCP member quit.

By this time the bone in my foot had pushed out the top of my shoe, and I pressed it back with my hand. After a while, the bone pushed out again. After I distributed all the materials, I turned around and walked back. I begged Master in my mind, “I can’t limp along no matter how much my foot hurts. I can’t let others develop negative thoughts about Dafa.” When I saw a woman in her 60s carrying a heavy bag and holding a child on her back, I even helped her carry the bag and accompanied her to the bus stop.

I had a hard time getting back on the bus. After I got off the bus, I walked another mile uphill. When I reached home, it was past 10 a.m. After I got home, I immediately sat down on the floor. By this time, my foot was so swollen I couldn’t get my shoe off. After I finally took off my shoe, I pressed the bones in the foot back again, piece by piece. Luckily, my family members hadn’t returned home to eat lunch. I didn’t cook. I continued sitting there and sending forth righteous thoughts. Meanwhile, I also looked inward and recalled that after I helped the officer who served in Chinese military for 40 years quit the CCP, I developed zealotry; and when the acquaintances shook hands with me, I thought I was aged then didn’t avoid to shake hands with male acquaintances, which was not in line with traditional culture. I read the Fa all afternoon. My foot was not painful at all; it was just black and swollen, and kind of scary looking.

On the 7th day, my daughter dropped me off at the bus stop on her way to work, and I began to go out to clarify the truth again. My foot recovered, but my leg still hurt. I had to massage it a bit before I could cross my legs to meditate. When a fellow practitioner learned about my situation, she found a motorcycle and drove me to the fair. She was 69 years old, and hadn’t ridden a motorcycle for a long time. The first day she drove us, we fell to the ground badly. She had no problem, but my injured foot was now broken again. The difference was that it broke inward last time, but this time it broke outward. I didn’t tell the practitioner, but insisted that we finish our truth-clarification. My foot hurt all night. It was fine the next day, and my inability to cross my leg in meditation also resolved.

I offered incense and kowtowed to Master, thanking Him for carefully arranging my karma elimination, and thanking Him for His great endurance, and saying I will never discredit Dafa!

My youngest daughter returned home and saw my injured foot. My family members all understood the truth, and no one forced me to go to the hospital. My daughter asked me, “Mom, why are you so determined?” I said, “Before cultivating Dafa I relied on medications for 18 years, but during the 26 years that I practiced Dafa, I never took a single pill or got one injection. You should also practice Dafa.” She said she would definitely practice it later.

I will let go of my human attachments and assimilate to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, avoid causing trouble for Master, save more people, and follow Master home!