(Minghui.org) A year after my mother began practicing Falun Dafa, I noticed remarkable changes in her. With her and other practitioners’ encouragement, I started practicing Falun Dafa in 2000. At the time, I was a high school student. Twenty-four years have passed, and I’m now a mother of two. It’s been a bumpy ride, and I wouldn’t have made it this far without Master Li and Dafa guiding and helping me. I want to take this opportunity to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and share the mental and physical health my children gained from practicing Falun Dafa.

When I first started practicing, my understanding of the teachings was superficial. For the most part, I followed my mother’s example. After I married a non-practitioner and gave birth to a daughter, I slacked off in my practice and, at one point, stopped practicing. I was lost for a long time.

Soon after my daughter was born, I noticed a patch of red on her face near her ear. I didn’t give it much thought and put some ointment on it. Whenever the village clinic told me that she needed to be given vaccine shots or some medicine, I just did it. Her skin condition worsened over the next few months. Other infants had soft skin, but hers was dry and wrinkly.

The older she got, the more often she cried. I felt that she was in great discomfort and couldn’t sleep well. Because she’d wake up at the slightest noise, I couldn’t sleep well either and tip-toed around when she slept.

Her dry skin became more prominent. Her face looked swollen and had a thin crust on it, which occasionally oozed puss and eventually formed a scab. Her hands looked like they had done years of manual labor.

While some of my relatives said that my daughter had a special kind of eczema, others thought that she had psoriasis caused by lung fever. Everyone tried to help by suggesting various ointments or different doctors. My daughter’s face became an experimental ground for folk remedies, some of which worked a little at first but not for long, and most of them did nothing at all. My daughter often cried in pain and I felt extremely distressed.

Things took a turn for the better when I noticed that whenever we visited my mother, a Falun Dafa practitioner, my daughter’s skin seemed to improve. I felt it was my mother’s positive energy that caused the changes. Even when she just played some Falun Dafa music for my daughter, her complexion quickly become rosy and the texture was good. Sadly, I still failed to see that the improvements were a sign for me to resume practicing. This situation continued for several years.

When my daughter was three, my workload became very heavy, and I didn’t have time to take care of her. I left her with my mother. My mother helped her memorize many poems from Hong Yin and let her watch all the Shen Yun DVDs she had. My daughter enjoyed them so much that she repeatedly watched the Shen Yun shows and wore out three of my mother’s DVD players. She knew all the titles of the programs and which year they were performed. She’d happily shout out “Shen Yun” when she saw a poster for the show on the street. She’d repeat some of the Falun Dafa teachings when my mother talked to her. Sometimes, she’d point to the air and say, “Look, Master wears a yellow kasaya and follows me.” When my mother asked, “Do you see Master next to me?” She replied, “Yes!”

After I was caught up at work, I went to pick her up from my mother’s, and I couldn’t believe what I saw. My daughter looked like she was totally renewed, and her little face looked rosy and tender, just like the other kids her age. She was healthy. People who knew how she looked before were shocked when they saw her. “She’s pretty, completely different from how she used to be,” said one person. Now, my daughter is 16, and her friends praise her good looks.

My daughter’s behavior is more mature when compared to that of children her age. She knows to avoid the bad habits some of her friends have. In political science class, she can tell when she hears the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda. I sometimes quote the Falun Dafa teachings and steer her away from things she shouldn’t do.

I also have a son who is younger than my daughter. He heard Master lecturing and the exercise music before he was born. He was energetic and always ran around. One day, he fell and chipped his front tooth. A few days later, the tooth turned black and slowly fell apart piece by piece until only a little bit of root was left. A kid in his daycare pushed him, and when he hit the ground, the root the tooth poked through the gum and made it bleed. I had a dentist remove the tooth entirely.

With a missing front tooth, he could not pronounce some words correctly. After a while, we began to worry. A doctor told us that he might need an implant to replace the missing tooth. Thinking that we couldn’t really afford the implant surgery, I began to worry. My mother told my son to ask Master Li for a tooth, and he silently made the request. One day after he started first grade he excitedly told me that he felt the tooth coming out and could see a tiny white growth in his gum. We felt so happy, and believed that Master granted his wish.

I never had to worry about my children when they were growing up, as they followed the principles of Falun Dafa to improve their behavior. They are not affected by the unhealthy trends in current society. Every year during the holidays, they send Master greetings along with pictures they drew. When they get sick, they do not ask for medicine. They study the teachings or listen to Falun Dafa music and get well in no time.

Sometimes, they became really difficult and refused to listen to me. Those were times when I slacked off in my cultivation and needed to look within and get back on track. I studied the teachings with them, and we improved together.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)