(Minghui.org) I am a rural Falun Dafa practitioner, and am over 60 years old. The main source of income for my family comes from my husband working for others, primarily in mining. Locally, almost everyone who has worked in that industry has developed silicosis in varying degrees, resulting in respiratory problems, which are very difficult to cure.

Now the government has regulations that allow those diagnosed with this disease to receive certain benefits after examination by the relevant official departments. Some people who have never worked in this industry pay money and pull strings to obtain a silicosis diagnosis and enjoy some benefits, feeling temporarily happy.

My husband also went to the relevant departments for an examination and everything was normal. He has worked in the mines for over 40 years and is now very healthy, which is a result of us practicing Falun Dafa.

Our Master teaches us to be good people who follows the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. We do not follow the crowd blindly, and we do not deceive anyone.

Others say, “You are too foolish for not taking what you deserve.” But we know in our hearts, only by obtaining the Fa have we been so fortunate! Not only are we healthy, but our family lives a harmonious life.

My Sister-in-Law Witnesses the Extraordinary Effects of Falun Dafa in Healing and Fitness

My sister-in-law suffered a stroke four years ago, resulting in hemiplegia. Before this condition improved, she developed adrenal tumors in both kidneys, leaving her legs weak. After a medical examination, she was found to be potassium deficient and needed surgery. Shortly after treatment, she exhibited symptoms of epilepsy, and the neighbors were afraid to visit her.

Knowing her condition, I was very anxious, so I took a small MP3 player and let her listen to the recordings of Master’s Fa teachings. My sister-in-law used to have frequent epileptic symptoms, but now she has not had them for a long time. Epilepsy is a stubborn disease, and very difficult to cure. She miraculously recovered without taking any specific medication for epilepsy.

When her relatives came to visit, she shared the miracles that happened to her. She told them: “This miraculous change occurred because I believe in Falun Dafa. You should also remember Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

These are our personal experiences. We hope that all people in the world will remember “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and not believe the CCP’s lies.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)