(Minghui.org) Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) practitioners in Western Australia introduced the traditional cultivation practice at “EveryWoman Expo” in the Perth Convention and Exhibition Center on June 21-23, 2024. Over 250 exhibitors presented products, many focising on lifestyle changes. Those who learned Falun Gong on the spot were fascinated.

“Incredible wonderful!” a woman named Yvonne marveled.

“I really like the spirituality of the practice,” Patricia Bushby shared.

“Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are great,” Fides D’souza said.

Practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises.

Visitors to the Falun Gong booth learned the benefits of the cultivation practice.

Many people were attracted to the practitioners’ exercise demonstration. They asked for more information, and showed great interest in learning Falun Gong. Some were taught while at the center.

Yvonne is taught the Falun Gong exercises.

Yvonne told a practitioner that she was surprised that she could feel a change in her lower back as soon as she started doing the exercises. After the exercise, her niece Bev asked her how she felt. She marveled, “Incredibly wonderful!” Bev was touched. She told a practitioner that this was the first time in a long time that her aunt had attended any public event.

Patricia Bushby said she liked the spirituality of the practice.

Patricia Bushby said she liked the Falun Gong booth, and that she believed the world needed Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

Fides D’souza holds a Minghui International newsletter.

Fides D’souza told a practitioner that the friendly atmosphere at the Falun Gong booth was comforting. “I see you at different places every year. I have watched several Shen Yun shows too. It’s amazing. I was carried away every time. It’s definitely worth watching! The Falun Dafa principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are great!”