(Minghui.org) Around May 13, 2024, Minghui.org published a large number of greeting cards from around the world wishing Master Li Hongzhi a happy birthday and celebrating the 25th World Falun Dafa Day. In addition, there were many article submissions in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day and reports on celebrations around the world. After reading these articles, Australian Falun Dafa practitioners shared their feelings of gratitude.

Practitioners Practice Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance

This year, local practitioner Irma and others in her group made a greeting card to wish Master Li a happy birthday. She said, “In sharing ideas about card improvements, we found that even this process was a good chance to deepen our cooperation. When I looked at the final draft of the greeting card, it looked beautiful and solemn. 

“Interestingly, from that point, in this year’s celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org, I was really drawn to images in the articles or in Dafa Day submissions. I found this very interesting because my work revolves around academic language, reading and analyzing longer pieces of text, so I would not consider myself a visual person. My understanding was that these images, however, carried another layer of meaning and beauty because they were validating Dafa.”

Irma gave an example of reading the article “New York City: Thousands Take Part in Falun Dafa Day Parade.” She said that the images show the orderly parade, with many bright colors and smiling faces. “The spectators commented that the parade was well ordered and full of enthusiasm, which was clearly reflected in the images. Of course, this phenomenon is not unique to New York, but can be seen everywhere where practitioners hold parades. Recently, I spoke to a practitioner who participated in the Toronto parade, and he said that at the same time there was a protest in Downtown Toronto. That protest had people chanting loudly and banging drums aggressively, which was very different from the Falun Dafa parade. What’s more, a female Toronto police officer told practitioners, ‘You have good energy!’ and most of them smile at the practitioners, since they could see how different the two large gatherings were in nature.”

Indeed, Falun Dafa practitioners strive to embody the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance in everything they do, and people can clearly observe and appreciate this. The New York parade was a wonderful way to raise awareness and show the beauty of applying the principles of Falun Dafa in practice – and people responded to this.

Irma said when she clicked on the picture “[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Chinese Painting: Peony,” she was moved again. “The flowers are beautiful, and the colors complement each other, but again, for me, the birds carried deeper meaning. My son’s name is also the name of a little bird. In dealing with him, I sometimes fail to apply the principles of Tolerance and Compassion, but I soon regret it. In Falun Dafa, practitioners are taught to work on their own character, improve themselves, and exhibit Compassion and Tolerance to others. My son is part of my environment, part of my cultivation and he, too, is a being that needs to be saved. Just as the police officer noticed the demeanor of practitioners in the Toronto parade and was moved by it, my son also responds better when I, myself, embody the principles of Dafa. This artwork really motivated me to be better in applying the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance in my role as a mother. In cultivation, there are so many opportunities to deepen our understanding and improve, even in the seemingly small details.”

Irma also said she was grateful for Master’s arrangement, which is so wonderful and selfless. Even on Master’s birthday, it can help us improve and grow. She appreciated every practitioner who contributed to World Falun Dafa Day. “Thank you to everyone who sent in their submissions for World Falun Dafa Day. You may not be even be aware of which details in your work will be so beneficial for other fellow practitioners. Thank you to the hardworking team on Minghui.org who worked on publishing all the submissions and reports,” Irma said.

Falun Dafa Month Reports Are Full of Joy 

Jenny said that she was filled with joy and moved when she read the greeting cards and messages sent from all over the world to celebrate Master’s birthday and Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org. In the article titled “Spreading the Goodness of Falun Dafa Far and Wide,” she read a greeting card message in which four elderly practitioners from the western suburbs of Baoding City, Hebei Province wrote: “Although we are over 80 years old, we are not afraid of the severe cold or the scorching heat, and we never stop on the road of saving people. We go to the rural markets and temple fairs in the countryside. Wherever there are people, we will keep Master’s compassion in people’s hearts. Everyone in the world envies us when they see our healthy bodies. We are so lucky to have such a great and compassionate Master! No words can express our infinite gratitude to Master.”

Jenny said, “When I read this, I seemed to see them. Their simple words are so touching! I was deeply moved. These kind, selfless and amiable elderly people over 80 years old are the kind of people that the evil CCP wants to attack! People of the world, wake up!”

Jenny said that she felt that this year’s selected submissions were so precious. She said, “These stories of cultivation in Dafa are so precious. Every one of them moved me. The maturity of practitioners’ cultivation comes from their firm belief in Master and Dafa. The biggest feeling is that cultivating in Dafa can make people become good and cultivate to a kind and selfless state. For myself, I feel the gap in my cultivation. This word ‘true’ cannot be false at all. If there is any desire, it is false cultivation. Only true cultivation can cultivate such pure and selfless kindness.”

Jenny said she was deeply touched when she read the article titled “Month Long Celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org.” The article mentioned that on May 10 this year, the American flag was raised over the U.S. Capitol building to pay tribute to Falun Dafa founder Mr. Li Hongzhi and celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and Mr. Li’s birthday. Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, who sponsored the event, wrote that the flag was raised in special recognition of Mr. Li for “introducing Falun Dafa to the world and teaching the Core Principles of Falun Dafa – Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.”

“Your legacy will continue to touch and instill confidence in our future generations of leaders around the world,” Rep. Fitzpatrick continued.

Jenny said, “I was very moved to see people respect Dafa. I think all sentient beings will be forever grateful to Falun Dafa and to Master for saving them. People in the future will pass on the legend of Master coming to the world to rectify the Fa and save people from generation to generation. All countries will raise flags to pay tribute to Falun Dafa, pay tribute to compassionate and great Master! The legend of Falun Dafa will be passed down forever.”

The Whole World Appreciates Dafa

Denice Johnson said, after reading the selected submissions to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day, “Great Master Li, many people around the world wish to say thank you for your precious gift of a true way to live our lives.”

Before she started practicing Dafa, she suffered from emphysema for 6 years, an incurable lung disease caused by smoking. It was very difficult for her to breathe, and the doctors said there was nothing that they could do for her. She started practicing Falun Dafa in 2000. All her illnesses were gone after she began practicing.

In 2002, she, her son, and seven other Australian Falun Gong practitioners flew to Beijing’s Tiananmen Square to hold up banners, hoping to tell the Chinese people: “Falun Dafa is good, and the whole world knows it!”

On this Falun Dafa Day, Denice said emotionally, “I feel privileged that my life has been extended from near death when I first came to know Falun Dafa and Master. I am thankful for this incredible journey that I have been able to live through and experience so that I could pass on the knowledge that Master has given me to others. This 2024 Falun Dafa day is my opportunity to say a sincere thank-you to Master and wish him a happy birthday. 

“For everyone that hears the truth of Falun Gong, their lives have been changed for the better,” Denice said. “People all over the world want to send you their heartfelt thank-you for your life-changing gift and say happy birthday to you, Master.

“Birthday cards and best wishes have been sent to Master Li from all around the world, including all the provinces throughout China,” Denice said. “We are able to read stories of strength and diligence from practitioners within China and within China’s prisons. They give us strength on our road of righteousness to send forth righteous thoughts with our whole heart.” 

Denice said many reports on Minghui.org mentioned that world leaders, politicians, and the average person all stand together and express their support of Falun Dafa, while condemning the CCP’s persecution. Righteous people across the world fight for freedom of belief and for basic human rights.