(Minghui.org) Several police officers broke into my home early one morning. I said to them, “The Constitution stipulates that citizens have the right to be informed. Please answer my question first.” I asked them to show their IDs, telling them that I would not acknowledge this unreasonable verbal summons. They were very arrogant, and eventually took me to a detention center.

It Is Legal to Have Dafa Books at Home

Officer A handling the case asked me, “When did you start practicing Falun Gong?” I replied, “The question has nothing to do with this case! The Constitution clearly stipulates that citizens have freedom of belief.” He asked me why I was detained the last time. I said, “It has nothing to do with this case!”

The police confiscated a copy of Zhuan Falun, several note cards, booklets, paper currency bills with the words “Falun Dafa is good” printed on them, three mobile phones, and other daily necessities from my home.

Officer A asked, “Do the Falun Gong books belong to you?” I said, “It has nothing to do with this case! It is not a crime to have this book, nor has it caused harm to anyone. It’s legal. On March 1, 2011, the State Press and Publication Administration issued Order No. 50, which clearly stated that a ban on the publication of Falun Gong books had been abolished. So it is completely legal for me to have Falun Gong books at home.”

I answered all his questions by saying that it had nothing to do with this case. Finally, he yelled out in anger, “You talk about Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, but you don’t even dare to tell the truth! What would you say is relevant to this case? Is this what your Master taught you?” I cautioned him sternly, “Please mind what you say!” He lowered his voice and said, “You mind your words too!”

I Dissolved the Evil’s Coercion to Transform Me

All my family members were brought over to transform me. My wife, children, mother, sister, and sister-in-law came. As soon as we met, my mother burst out crying and knelt down. She pleaded, “Was it easy for me to raise you all by myself? Son, sign it quick! They said as long as you sign a guarantee statement and say that you won’t practice Falun Gong anymore, they can let you go home. Otherwise, you will be sent to prison. If you don’t sign, I will lay down and die in front of you.” The whole family started crying. I said, “Mom, I can’t sign such a thing. It makes people give up their conscience. It’s such a good cultivation way, and I’m determined to practice it to the end.

“On New Year’s Eve the year before last, my son suddenly spoke rudely to me and yelled. I was not angry and told him about many life principles. You were very moved at the time. I stood by your side quietly, and you said to me, ‘You’re a good son, a good father, and a good husband. I can’t be like you, but why did you become obsessed with Falun Gong?’ I didn’t say a word. Mom, I want to tell you today that I was able to do those things you mentioned precisely because I practice Falun Gong!”

She replied, “Son, please sign it! Otherwise they will take you away. We can't win this fight.” I said, “Mom, get up! Stop kneeling on the cold ground.” She retorted angrily, “If you don’t sign, I will die on my knees here!” “If you want to kneel," I responded, "don’t do it for me. If you want to kneel, kneel to Dafa’s Master!” She stood up quickly and said, “It’s over, it’s all over. You have been stupid since you were a child, and this time you are the most stupid!”

My wife also tried her best to persuade me to sign. Seeing my firm resolve, she shouted, “Divorce! We will divorce today if you don’t sign!” My sister-in-law said, “Please sign it. We can go home once you do. No one would know it if you practice secretly at home.” I replied, “Please stop trying to persuade me, I can’t sign it.” She said, “Why don’t you think about your children? It will be difficult for them to get a job after college. They are not allowed to serve in the military, nor take the civil service examination. This affects several generations.”

Finally, my sister chimed in, “Sign it now! Mom’s life has not been easy. Our father passed away early, and she worked hard to bring us up. She’s old now, and you should not let her worry about you.” She burst out crying as she spoke. I said, “I will never give up my faith, even if I lose my life.” Just like that, they left feeling sad.

That same day, I was taken to a lockup. I shouted out, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” outside the gate. The officer said my voice was not loud enough, so I shouted three more times.

An officer ordered me to sign a document when I was admitted to the lockup, but I refused. The director said, “You don’t need to wear the uniform. Do you want to eat?” I said yes. He said, “You can do the exercises as you like, but don’t cause trouble.”

Clarifying the Truth at the Detention Center

I was sent to a transitional cell first, where there were a dozen people. I helped them quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliates. When I did the sitting meditation, they wanted to learn it. They sat in a row and followed along with me to do the hand movements, and they were very serious about it. One person said that he would definitely practice after he got out. They said that I looked younger than my age.

I went to several other cells and helped people quit the CCP. I stood outside the door of the cell every day and did the exercises so that the inmates could see me. When I was transferred to the detention center, a cell head bowed to me and brought a rice bowl to me with both hands at mealtime. He was probably one of the inmates seeing me at the lockup practicing the exercises, and he might be transferred from the lockup to the detention center before me.

Seven days later, when I was leaving the lockup, the director told me to sign the last page of a booklet. I wanted to see what I was signing, but he wouldn't let me. I ignored him and took the booklet. It turned out to be the transcript of the interrogator. I said firmly that I would not sign it. Seeing that his scheme was exposed, he said to the officer next to him, “Let it be! It doesn’t matter to us. Tell him to leave quickly.”

After I was transferred to the detention center, an officer said to me in public one day: “Falun Gong, just try it and see. If you don’t sign the guarantee statement, you’ll be sentenced to at least four years. We have jailed over 300 Falun Gong practitioners here, and few could survive it. After a month, they all signed the paper and were transformed.”

I replied, “They are them and I am me. Don’t even think about asking me to sign, it’s impossible. Today, you can tell me in front of everyone which law of the country I violated.” He said, “You violated Article 300 of the Criminal Law by using a religious organization to undermine the implementation of national laws.” I said, “Then tell me! Which law have I undermined the implementation of?” He replied, “I really don’t know.” I said, “The Constitution clearly stipulates that any law which conflicts with the Constitution will be deemed invalid. My actions are to defend the freedom of belief granted to citizens by the Constitution and to maintain the dignity of the law!”

He laughed and told the inmates around, “I can’t out-talk him.” An inmate said, ”You see, Falun Gong practitioners really understand the law. If he was a lawyer, I would definitely ask him to defend me.”

One day, an older officer said to me, “You believe so steadfastly. Have you met your Master? If you curse at your Master’s photo today and say that you will not practice anymore, I will let you out immediately.” I replied, “What you said makes no sense. Among those who believe in Buddhism, who has seen Shakyamuni? Among those who believe in Christianity, who has seen Jesus? Even those who believe in the evil Communist Party have never seen Marx. I haven’t met my Master yet, it’s common.” The inmates in the cell all laughed after hearing my words.

I continued, saying, “There’s an old Chinese saying: If someone teaches you for a day, you will respect him as your father all your life. Only the CCP engages in tearing down our Chinese heritage. They incited students to bully teachers and destroy Chinese traditions.” The officer turned around and left without saying a word.

An inmate said to me, “I really don’t understand what you’re doing. You can go home once you sign. That’s such a good thing, why don’t you do it?” I said, “Such a good thing? Why don’t they let you go home by signing?” “Because we broke the law,” he answered. “You’re right! Just because you broke the law, they did not ask you to sign and go home. We are good people following Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, and we have not broken any law. We are asked to sign on the condition that we give up our belief and stop being good people. They know that Falun Gong practitioners cannot tell lies, so they do this.” He replied, “I understand it now. How can the government be so stupid? Had I known, I should have claimed to practice Falun Gong when I came in.”