(Minghui.org) A Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was held at the Delta Hotels Burnaby Conference Center in Metro Vancouver on June 23, 2024. Sixteen practitioners shared their cultivation experiences of living in different environments, letting go of attachments and human notions, and saving sentient beings.

The Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference in Vancouver at the Delta Hotels Burnaby Conference Center on June 23.

Many practitioners shared their cultivation experiences.

When Clarifying the Truth It Is also Necessary to Take Care of One’s Family

Phong is an engineer. After he started cultivating, he realized that the human world is just a temporary place for him to stay and he sensed the urgency of saving sentient beings. He has been busy validating the Fa and clarifying the truth, so he ignored his wife’s feelings, leading her to misunderstand Dafa.

After an argument, Phong looked inward and saw that he was not putting himself in his wife’s shoes, which made him selfish and unkind. When he asked himself why he ignored his wife’s feelings, he realized it was because he had affection for his wife and thought she was the person closest to him, so she should therefore understand him.

He realized that, as a Dafa practitioner, he should be compassionate and do a good job when involved in Dafa projects. He also had to balance the conflicts between individuals, family, and Dafa projects. Otherwise, it would cause family members to not understand Dafa, which would have a negative impact on Dafa.

Always Be Strict and Cultivate Compassion

Eric started to practice not long ago and had never been able to understand what compassion really is, but Master’s latest scripture “Wake Up” made him realize that he should not only have righteous thoughts when validating the Fa and promoting Shen Yun, but also hold himself to high standards in his daily work and life.

Once, he lost his bank card. He realized that he had been affected by his surroundings recently and had slacked off in cultivation. When he looked inward and found his shortcomings, the card was found and returned. Through this lesson, he once again set strict standards for himself about studying the Fa and doing the exercises.

The breakthrough in his cultivation state also led to a breakthrough in his letting go of some human notions. Because of his participation in a project, he fell in love with photography. But some things he experienced after that made him realize that, although photography can be used to clarify the truth and validate the Fa, it is mixed with all kinds of attachments. That contradiction was an opportunity for him to get rid of his attachments and cultivate compassion.

Join in Group Fa-Study and Learn How to Look Inward

Ms. Xie grew up in a family of cultivators and was involved with the practice from a young age. Because older members in her family were persecuted, her cultivation state was unstable.

After coming to Vancouver, she joined a Fa study group. In this environment, through exchanges with fellow practitioners, she learned to “enlighten” [to the Fa] and understood how to “look inward.”

Cultivating Myself and Surviving the Ordeal

Ms. Wang shared that one night she suddenly had a fever and then felt a kind of cold she had never experienced before. Many negative thoughts ran through her head. In this double discomfort of body and mind, she felt powerless to resist and bear it.

But, a few hours later, she suddenly realized that she was a Falun Dafa cultivator, and such things would not happen by accident, so this must be Master’s arrangement for her to get rid off her attachment and improve. She couldn’t simply bear it like this.

From the deepest part of her heart, she decided with determination: “I must cultivate myself and pass this test!”

Then she felt something coming down from her head. The cold feeling slowly disappeared, and the negative thoughts disappeared.

This episode made Ms. Wang realize that she must first cultivate herself so she could share the beauty of Dafa with all sentient beings.