(Minghui.org) I started to practice Falun Dafa when I was 24 years old so that all my health problems would be cured. They disappeared soon after I took up the practice. My brother said, “Falun Dafa is amazing. Sister, you’d better practice it well, and I will be blessed as well. You can live up to 100 years old if you keep practicing and having such a calm demeanor.”

Thanks to Master’s (Falun Dafa’s founder) compassion and protection, I have gradually purified myself and elevated my realm just like a lotus flower rising from the mud and becoming so pure.

Falun Dafa Helped Me Mend a Broken Relationship

When I was 18, I got the highest score on the college entrance exam of the 14 students who sat the test in my town. My classmate, Ming, came in second. But there was only one space for someone from our town at the college I wanted to attend. Whoever was accepted would get a good job after graduation and become a teacher at a state-run school.

Ming’s family didn’t want him to miss this golden opportunity, so they used their family connections to reach out to the local education bureau. As a result, the college offered Ming a spot instead of me, even though I scored 40 points higher than he did. My parents felt so sorry for me, but they couldn’t do anything about it because they didn’t have power or connections.

I resented Ming after that. When I ran into him, I didn’t look at him. He pretended not to see me when we crossed paths and walked away quickly. This went on for 10 years.

Master uses simple language to teach profound principles. I’ve come to understand many principles by practicing Falun Dafa and realized I needed to let go of the resentment I had for Ming. I decided to do something about it whenever the opportunity presented itself. Whatever predestined connection we had, I had to let him know, in this lifetime, how wonderful Falun Dafa is.

Master saw my wish and arranged such an opportunity. One day I ran into Ming accidentally. He was about to walk away to avoid me as usual, but I called out to him. He stopped and looked confused. I said, “I haven’t seen you for a long time. How are you?” He smiled and said, “I’m good. How about you?” I, too, smiled and said, “Very well, thank you for asking.” He must have sensed my sincerity and kindness and chatted with me with ease. The distance between us closed as we continued to talk. Since that encounter, whenever we cross paths, Ming greets me first and we chat for a while every time. I got a good job two years after I started practicing Falun Dafa.

Several years ago I learned that Ming was able to break large currency bills into smaller ones for me so that I could print truth-clarification messages on them. If I did this at a bank, it could be suspicious and lead to my arrest. Every time I asked him if he could break some bills, he always said, “Not a problem. Let me know how much you want.” I reached out to him when I was not able to get new bills. He tried his best to help me every time.

It’s just as it says in Master’s poem “Undoing the Disaster” from Hong Yin II,

“Countless are the chaotic thingsin this human worldGratitude and resentmentnow heaped atop one another,No hope had the wicked of heart,their karma massive’Tis Dafa that resolves everything at the source”

Master taught the Fa to us with compassion. Falun Dafa unlocked my kind nature and dissolved my resentment for Ming and his family. Ming and I have a special connection.

I’ve been able to face every situation with ease over the past 20 plus years of cultivation because I’m a Fa-rectification period Falun Dafa practitioner. I know that sentient beings came to this Earth because they put endless hope in Dafa and Dafa disciples. I am now more tolerant, understanding, and kind.

Running a Material Production Site for 20 Years

Back in 2003, the environment in China was dangerous and risky. Many practitioners were not able make materials for various reasons. Truth-clarification materials were in short supply. The coordinator asked me if I would like to join the team, so I agreed.

Three of us were involved. We cooperated with each other with pure hearts. Everyone took their responsibilities seriously. We played our roles in clarifying the truth to people and awakening them.

As the Fa-rectification progressed, our material production team was dissolved. Practitioners set up material production sites at home. For the past 20 years I’ve followed suit and have been printing Minghui Weekly, pamphlets, DVDs, etc., downloaded from the Minghui website.

I start my day by doing the Falun Dafa exercises at the same time as other practitioners in China, then I read one lecture of Zhuan Falun and Master’s other lectures when I have time. I send righteous thoughts four times a day. Only by studying the Fa well and cultivating myself well can I clarify the truth and save sentient beings well.

When I don’t know how to make a particular kind of material or have a problem with the machines, I go to the technical support website set up by practitioners to learn what to do. This website has clear categories and provides solutions to issues that practitioners might come across. I would like to express my gratitude to the practitioners at the Minghui website and technical website for their selfless contributions.

I am so lucky to be a Falun Dafa practitioner who assists Master during the Fa-rectification period. I will treasure this unprecedented opportunity, make full use of the remaining time, and do what a Falun Dafa practitioner should do well so that I’m worthy of the sentient beings who have put their hope in us and be worthy of Master’s protection and arrangements for us life after life.

Thank you, Master! Thank you, fellow practitioners!