(Minghui.org) I stopped watching TV after I began practicing Falun Dafa. Later, I bought a smartphone to contact clients with and collect payments for business.

I stopped doing business in late 2018, and had more free time. It occurred to me that since childhood I had always liked romance novels, however I had little money or time to read them. Now I had the time so I downloaded an app and began reading them.

Soon my eyes became bloodshot, my facial complexion turned sallow, and I looked sluggish and low-spirited. I had a dream one night that I was walking on a small path, my body felt heavy, and I fell. I discovered that there was a demon of lust attached to my body; it was an ugly creature. I wanted to remove it, but it was firmly attached to my back.

In my dream no one helped me. I made a great effort to peel it off to toss away, but a white sticky substance solidified on my face and the crotch of my slacks. I dug it out with my fingernail. Afterward, I felt better and continued walking. I came to a square and discovered the demon in the crowd looking for me. I brought this on by reading the romance novels, and it searched only for me in the crowd. After waking up, I immediately deleted the app. I no longer dared to read those novels.

After memorizing Zhuan Falun last year for the eighth time, I wanted to take a break. During my break, I wanted to read the novel again. I again downloaded a free app. I held my phone with my left hand, and then developed left hand, arm, and later neck and back pain. After reading the novel, I discovered there were short videos as well. I got hooked and could not put it down. I watched it day and night.

Master tried to remind me through dreams: I was lost in my dream, and I missed the bus to go home. I dreamed a hand came down from the sky to take my Zhuan Falun away. I was a ten-year-old girl in the dream. I began crying, “Master, do not take my book away. I will not waste my time with my cell phone any longer. I will memorize the Fa.” The book then returned to me in my dream.

I deleted the app the next day. I had deleted it many times already in the past, but I could not control myself and kept reinstalling it. I decided to memorize the Fa for the ninth time. After three days, Master encouraged me. I was attending an examination. I could answer all the questions, and saw the teacher seal my answers in an envelope.

It took me one month to memorize three lectures. During downtime, I would sometimes still watch the video. When I went to see my dentist, he needed to perform a procedure, but the blood test indicated that I had high blood sugar, so he had to delay the procedure.

It was the last time Master warned me that if I do not get rid of the attachment to my cellphone, I will have health problems. So I made up my mind to eliminate the attachment to my cellphone. The next day, my blood sugar returned to normal.

My experience validated what Master said:

“Each of your attachments could cause your cultivation to fail. Each of your attachments could result in physical issues, and lead your once-firm faith in Dafa to waver.” (Fa Teaching at the 2015 West Coast Fa Conference, Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. XIII)

It’s terrifying to think that I was almost ruined by the attachment to watching video clips with my cell phone.

It has been twenty days, and I have no desire for my cell phone now. I feel good, my mind is calm and tranquil, and I am able to memorize Fa a lot quicker.

I wrote about my experience to further cleanse myself. I also want to remind fellow practitioners who have the same attachment. Our cultivation time is limited, so we need to be on guard, and not let the attachment to cellphones ruin our precious cultivation opportunity.