(Minghui.org) I have practiced Falun Dafa for over 20 years. I’d like to share my experiences with you. Thank you, Master, for your saving grace. 

I started practicing cultivation in 1998. I was in poor health then. My cousin recommended Falun Dafa to me. I told her that I was illiterate and couldn’t read Zhuan Falun, the book containing the main teachings of Falun Dafa. She said that I could listen to Master’s audio lecture series at her home. She added, “If you’re predestined to learn Falun Dafa, Master will purify your body while you are listening to his lectures.”

Master purified my body after I returned home. I started to vomit on a Sunday. Afterward, I went to tend to the spinach in the field. I was able to do the work without any problem. 

I then started vomiting again a few days later. I knew I was not sick, so I continued to work in the field. I pulled up half a row of grass and was still energetic. 

Master purified my body in this way again and again. All my illnesses disappeared. 

Becoming Kinder Thanks to Falun Dafa

We opened up a shop to sell grain after my husband retired. One day, I asked my husband if he made an order for broken rice which would look good after re-processing. He said he didn’t. I replied, “You’re right. We believe in Falun Dafa. We don’t cheat!”

A sales representative from the neighboring county called me and said that he wanted to send us oil. I told him, “If your oil is authentic, please send it to us. If it is fake, we don’t want it!” He didn’t call me anymore. It was fake oil. Falun Dafa purified my heart, and I became a good person. 

We needed to deliver rice and flour to our buyers. On one occasion, I was given an extra 600 yuan. When I discovered the error, I gave it back. We returned extra money people gave us accidentally every time. 

My daughter once went to withdraw money from the bank. The teller gave an extra 1,000 yuan to her. She sent the money back when she found it at home. One day, she picked up 40 yuan on the street and decided to donate it to a production site for making Falun Dafa pamphlets. My children support me because they know that I’ve benefited from practicing Dafa. 

Believing in Falun Dafa When Tribulations Came

The persecution of Falun Dafa started three months after I started practicing. The police arrested me and sent me to a military base in the mountains. We were forced to stand in a line outside after dinner where the mosquitoes would bite us until 10 p.m. We were also ordered to pull up weeds during the hottest days. Later on, we were forced to run around outside after lunch for several days. I didn’t say anything against Dafa and didn’t hand in my books. 

The police visited my husband to try to get a 2000-yuan fine from him before they released me. I said to the police, “My children are at school and we need to spend money for them. We don’t have extra money.” My husband didn’t give the money to them. They then went to the village government, but the village cadre (administrator) also told them that we didn’t have money because our children were still at school. I was detained for a week before I was released. 

The police came to my home again and again. My husband said, “You must listen to my wife. Do you know how much she has benefited from practicing Falun Dafa? Before she practiced, she had to wash her face with hot water and wear cotton gloves in winter. Otherwise, she would catch cold.”

Six police officers once climbed the fence into my house. They searched everywhere. My husband asked them what they were doing, but they didn’t respond. He got angry and was going to hit one of them. I said to my husband, “Don’t hit anyone. Treat them kindly. They are victims of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party).” I said to the police, “All of you, sit down. Please drink some water first.” They didn’t drink any water and left. 

Treating the Police Kindly

During the CCP’s Zero-Out campaign, two police officers came to my home. They asked me to listen to them. I told him to listen to me instead. I said, “You all know how corrupted society has become. One guy in my village was going to sell flour in the market. As soon as he loaded the bag of flour onto his bicycle, a thief stole it. Another thief stole 2,000 yuan from a stall owner who sold eggs. I’m practicing Falun Dafa. Even if you gave me that stolen stuff, I would not take it!”

The officers came to my home again the following year, and announced they would not allow me to practice Falun Dafa. They tried to force me to submit my fingerprints. I refused. My husband stood by my side and would not allow them to do so. I later wrote a truth-clarification letter to the officers. Afterward, the village cadre came to see me. I said, “I will not give my fingerprints. I haven’t done anything wrong. You must discern good from bad.”

Several police officers came to my home on another occasion in 2022. They arrested me, and I was detained in the police station for one day. They asked me where I got the paper currency with truth-clarification information written on it and what the bills were for. I said, “The message tells people how to save themselves during the pandemic. I’m illiterate. You read the message yourself.” When they attempted to force me to give my fingerprints, I said, “It’ll do you no good if I submit my fingerprints.” They then forcibly obtained a blood sample from me. My child came to pick me up that night. 

Listening to Master and Saving More People

A practitioner was arrested for putting up posters with information about Falun Dafa. The village cadre was afraid of taking any responsibility and led the police to arrest practitioners. I then put up posters on the cadre’s door, his wall, and his neighbor’s wall. 

A practitioner was persecuted for placing truth-clarification pamphlets in police cars. I distributed copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party in his village. I have no sense of direction, but that night, I didn’t get lost and came home safely. Master led me home!

One foggy day, my son visited and asked me not to go outside to talk to people about Falun Dafa. My daughter also called me and asked me not to go out. I didn’t listen to them. I went out with a shopping basket full of truth-clarification pamphlets. I helped several people quit the CCP that day. My feet didn’t hurt any longer after I came back. Master was encouraging me! 

When I gave out Chinese New Year calendars, I asked my husband to go out with me. We gave out a lot of them. Every time we went out, many people received the calendars. 

We go out to clarify the truth to people every day. One afternoon, another practitioner and I went to an engineering site. I clarified the truth to two people there. They were happy to listen. One person said that he read Zhuan Falun before. Another one said he wanted to read Zhuan Falun. They knew that Falun Dafa is good. Both of them agreed to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. 

I also clarify the truth to people over the phone. One man had joined the military. I asked him to quit the CCP with an alias. He said he would use his real name because he was unemployed and didn’t need to use an alias. Nowadays, people no longer stand with the CCP. 

Thanks to Master’s protection, I’ve been able to walk my cultivation path through to today. Thank you, Master! I will study the Fa more, cultivate myself diligently, and follow you to return to my original home.