(Minghui.org) I used to be in poor health and suffered from asthma and allergic rhinitis since a young age. Later, I had tachycardia, with a heart rate of 140 beats per minute. I went to all the hospitals (large and small) in our city, many times. I took countless Chinese and Western medicines. In severe flareups, I could barely walk. In 1996, by chance, I learned about Dafa and found a practice site. My health improved significantly, and I haven’t taken any medication since then.

People Express Gratitude to Dafa from the Bottom of Their Hearts

I was clarifying the truth at an intersection and met a woman in her forties. I shared with her about the beauty of Dafa and how to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to ensure her safety. She had never joined any organizations related to the CCP. I told her to remember the auspicious phrases, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and gave her a copy of The Ultimate Mission of Communism and a booklet about Dafa. She took the materials and said, “I will for sure finish reading them.” She also gave me her best wishes three times and reminded me to be careful. She promised that she would remember “Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” She also called out, right on the street, “Dafa is good!” I was so happy for her.

Once, I met a young man in his twenties and I told him to remember the auspicious phrases and share them with his family. He agreed to quit the CCP’s Communist Youth League and the Young Pioneers. I also gave him a QR code to circumvent the Chinese regime’s internet firewall to learn more about Dafa. He thanked me and bowed to show his appreciation.

On another occasion I met two men in their forties on the street. I told them to repeat the auspicious phrases and persuaded them to quit the CCP. I told them that Dafa has been spread to more than 100 countries and regions. They started shouting on the street, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” I was very happy for them.

Once, we went to a vegetable greenhouse in the suburbs to talk to people about Falun Dafa, and met three people binding vegetables. We gave them the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and pamphlets, and also shared the truth about Dafa. One of them climbed up to the roof of the vegetable shed and exclaimed many times, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” We applauded and were happy for this saved life.

I went to a small furniture store to buy a shoe cabinet in 2009. I clarified the truth to the boss. He said, “I know this better than you. I have already received blessings.” He shared his story:

Before the Olympics in 2008, the manufactures making the furniture he sold were not allowed to operate before and during the Olympics. Prior to the shutdown, he stocked furniture in his home, shop, and anywhere else he could store it. A few days later, when he went to his shop, he was shocked to see a sign saying “demolish” in large letters on his wall. 

Not long after, the city management and demolition officials came to talk about the demolition plan. He did not know what to do. Then, a shopper came in and paid for something using a bill with a note on it saying that sincerely repeating the auspicious phrases, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” would bring blessings. He had no hope, so he just sat there and kept repeating those phrases.

He kept repeating them every day and no one from the city management or demolition office ever came again. No one ever talked about the demolition anymore. The words on the money were indeed effective!

The shopkeeper agreed to quit the young pioneers. In 2023, I passed by his place and saw that his furniture store was still open.

Improvement of Xinxing

At work, everyone would choose the easiest tasks to do, and so did I. After I started practicing Dafa, I understood the Fa principles, such as “...considers others first when taking any action,” (Lecture Nine, Zhuan Falun) and, “Let joy be found in hardship.” (“Tempering the Will,” Hong Yin) I started to volunteer for more difficult tasks. 

At home, I also took the initiative to do more housework and controlled my temper. After the persecution started, my husband said, “Whoever stops practicing, you shouldn’t.” He fully supported my practice after seeing my positive changes.

I did not have a good relationship with my mother-in-law. After practicing Dafa, I changed and understood her better. When she got sick, I took good care of her. When she had difficulty passing stool, I would help her. She said to me, “Your mother gave me a good daughter.” Because of her support for Dafa, she recovered from the high blood pressure she had suffered with for many years.

My Husband Supports My Cultivation

Our cultivation environment was seriously damaged in 1999 when the persecution began. Some practitioners were afraid and stopped studying. Some practitioners’ family members did not allow them to contact fellow practitioners, so they secretly studied at home. Some were afraid of maintaining contact with fellow practitioners. However, many fellow practitioners often visited my house.

In 2003, I established a Fa-study group in my home and later produced truth-clarification materials. My husband (who doesn’t practice Dafa) supported me despite the pressure. A manager from his workplace lived across from our house. One day, a fellow practitioner called my name from outside. My husband was very nervous. So I went out and took the practitioner home.

After the other practitioners left, my husband said to me, “Don’t bring in new people anymore. We already have a lot of people here.” I said, “Practitioners are all good people.” He said, “I know they are all good people. A while ago, some managers from your workplace came to ask me to watch you.” I told him that I knew he was under pressure, but we have to do what is right. He then agreed to allow practitioners to come to our place again.

Fellow practitioners also tend to run to my house when something urgent happens. One night, a fellow practitioner came to my house in a panic, with three laptops. She wanted me to hide or sell them to a second-hand computer store the next day. She also asked me to help her move because the police would raid her home soon. A policeman whom she had clarified the truth to in the past told her to move her Dafa materials out from her home as soon as possible. I was going through sickness karma at the time and could barely walk. I asked her to find someone else to help, but it was too late. 

At that time, I thought of Master’s teaching, “The next person’s things are your things...” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2002 Conference in Washington, D.C.” Collected Teachings Given Around the World Volume II), and asked for Master’s strengthening. I helped her move two loads with a car and moved all her things to my house. When her house was searched, the police did not find anything, and nothing bad happened to the fellow practitioner. 

My husband felt a lot of pressure having the items from the fellow practitioner in our home. But to show his support, he found a place on the top floor where I could hide the printer in case of an emergency.

Once, when I was clarifying the truth, I encountered a plainclothes officer. Although I escaped with Master’s protection, my electric car was taken away by the police. My husband said, “It’s good that you are back safely. I’ll get the car back.” He went to the nearby police stations with the spare car key and drove our car back home.

Over the years, my husband has endured a lot, but he has also received blessings. He used to have terrible nose bleeds. But they stopped more than ten years ago and he has been fine.

Our Fa-study group has never stopped since it first began. It was under Master’s protection that we made it through the past twenty years safely. Thank you, Master!

The following is another amazing thing. There are many Chinese toon trees (Toona sinensis) planted in the community where I live. There is one outside my neighbor’s window, one outside the window of our Fa study group, and one outside my husband’s bedroom window. This tree in front of the window of our Fa-study group was in between the other two trees. 

One summer, we had a white moth infestation. There were so many white moths that it was really a tree disaster. The leaves of the trees in the community were almost completely eaten up by the moths. The leaves outside the neighbor’s window were also eaten away. The tree outside our Fa-study group’s window still had many leaves. Half of the tree outside my husband’s bedroom window had lush leaves (the side of the tree next to the window of the Fa-study group), and the other half did not have any leaves left. I realized that because we studied the Fa here, the site radiated positive energy and all the living beings around us benefited.