(Minghui.org) Before my father began to practice Falun Dafa, he suffered from all kinds of health issues. His urine was cloudy and sticky. He also had a problem with his trachea. All of these conditions disappeared after he began practicing Falun Dafa. His doctor found it incredible and supports him in practicing Falun Dafa, even after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ordered the brutal persecution in 1999.

Last summer, my father was hit by an electric bike and his leg was injured. A neighbor who happened to see the incident took him home. His leg was badly swollen, but he didn’t have much pain. We didn’t take him to the hospital and just let him rest at home. After the swelling went away, we noticed his bone was broken. Instead of seeking medical treatment, my father looked within and focused on doing the Falun Dafa exercises. He could gradually walk on his own and was able to put both legs up in the double-lotus position when he meditated.

A few months later, my father suddenly became paralyzed and incontinent. He couldn’t talk and his hands were cold. I read Falun Dafa’s teachings to him. Three days later, he could move his arms again and his hands were no longer cold. A week later, he could say a complete sentence. And after three weeks, he completely recovered and could move around like normal.

After this incident, my father understood the seriousness of cultivation. He reorganized his room and put his Falun Dafa books in a clean place. He also let go of the pursuit of getting his suspended pension back and seeking justice for the forced eviction and demolition of his apartment by the government. He thanked Master for saving his life and he vows to cultivate more diligently in the future.