(Minghui.org) With my immense gratitude to Master, I’d like to share some of my cultivation experiences to prove how great Master is and how extraordinary Falun Dafa is. Thank you Master for your compassion and salvation!

I started to practice Falun Dafa in July 1998. I was 50 years old then.

I grew up in the countryside during the three years of famine. We had little food to eat. Because my family was very poor, I only went to school for four and a half years and then had to work in the fields with the village production team. I was in poor health from a young age.

I got married in 1977 and lived in the city with my husband. I didn’t have a city household registration, I didn’t have a job, and we didn’t have our own apartment. My husband only earned 39 yuan a month (USD$5.30). Our family of three struggled financially. I didn’t have money to see a doctor. My health deteriorated.

Master Arranged for Me to Obtain the Fa and Attend a Fa-Study Group

A good friend of mine saw that I was in low spirits every day and introduced Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, to me in July 1998. He said the practice was very good and had amazing healing benefits. I started to practice Falun Dafa to cure my illnesses. I joined a Fa study group.

The practitioners watched Master’s video lecture in Jinan on the first day I joined the group. I felt very happy when I saw Master and felt assured. Master was very righteous and lectured so well. Though I couldn’t remember Master’s words, I liked to listen to him. I saw that something like flames surrounded Master. Flames were also around Master’s fingers. When Master spoke, the flames flickered.

This was the first time I had watched Master’s video lectures. I didn’t know much. I thought everyone could see what I saw. I asked other practitioners later on but they didn’t see it. They said that I had good inborn quality. I believed that Master was not an ordinary qigong master. I felt so lucky that I had come across such a high-level master. I decided to follow Master and cultivate until completion.

It was hard for me to study the Fa because of my limited education. I spoke only a dialect, plus I had a lot of human attachments. I listened while the other practitioners were reading the Fa. I still didn’t know what cultivation was after I had studied the Fa for a month. I only knew that Master was great, Falun Dafa was great, and Master had purified my body. My illnesses had disappeared. I felt light. Falun Dafa is extraordinary!

My views of life and the world changed fundamentally. No words could express my joy. No words could express my immense gratitude to Master! I felt energetic and happy. The joy came from my heart. I used to be a sad person who felt depressed. I was a changed person.

The good times didn’t last long. The Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of Falun Gong started. I hadn’t practiced Falun Gong for a year yet. I felt sad that there was no Fa study group after the persecution started. Master saw my heart and arranged two practitioners who I didn’t know to come to study the Fa with me. I was very happy. The two practitioners were university graduates who had graduated a long time ago. They were educated, read the Fa fluently, and rarely made mistakes when reading. While I was reading the Fa, I read the words wrong, or added words or omitted words, or even skipped lines. They corrected me patiently.

I didn’t see things from the perspective of the Fa then. I felt that I had lost face and because of my vanity I couldn’t bear it. I felt anxious and made more mistakes. I felt pressure and wanted to withdraw from the group. I told them my thoughts. They were very good to me and persuaded me not to leave. They tolerated me, encouraged me, and asked me to be patient. They said that as long as I put my heart into it, Master would look after me and I would definitely improve. I was very moved by their selflessness. Actually I didn’t want to leave them. I felt sorry for myself for not doing well. It was not easy to find a Fa study group at that time. So I stayed with them. I decided to study well and be worthy of their expectations.

We studied the Fa together once a week. While I studied the Fa at home, I pleaded with Master to help me. I set my mentality right and read the words one by one clearly. I didn’t seek speed or quantity when I studied the Fa. I read carefully and tried not to make mistakes. Thanks to Master’s strengthening and the practitioners’ tolerance and selfless help, I was able to read the Fa with the other practitioners after I practiced reading by myself for a period of time. Thank you, Master! Thank you, fellow practitioners!

Master Helped Me Get Rid of My Attachment to Personal Interest

My good friend Eng’s (alias) mother was hospitalized in March 2001. Eng had to work during the day and had a problem with her eyes. I stayed with her in the hospital to look after her mother. Her brother was a company boss. He saw me in the hospital looking after his mother several times. He gave me 1000 yuan. I refused it, but he insisted on giving it to me.

I woke up in severe pain in the middle of the night the following day. I felt like many steel needles were stabbing into my left chest, and it was getting worse by the moment. Then I could only exhale, not inhale. I was not able to lie down. I felt the seriousness of this incident. I couldn’t sleep. So I got up and practiced three sets of the exercises. The pain alleviated a bit.

When I was practicing the second exercise, I wondered where I went wrong. I must have problems since it had caused such a big problem. I thought of the 1000 yuan. Shouldn’t I accept it? Cultivators didn’t want to be paid back. Didn’t I seek compensation? I was wrong. I shouldn’t have taken the money.

When I was about to do the posture of holding the wheel in front of the lower abdomen, as I moved my arms downward from my head, I felt like a bowl of cold water was pouring down from my left chest. All of a sudden I felt very comfortable. I became lighthearted. It felt wonderful practicing the second set of exercises. I knew that I had gained the correct insights. Master was encouraging me.

When I practiced the sitting meditation, I felt like I was sitting in an egg shell, just as Master has described in Zhuan Falun. I felt comfortable. I felt like I was floating and was enveloped by energy. I was extremely comfortable. It was a wonderful feeling that was hard to describe in words. I knew my enlightenment was correct. Master was strengthening me. Thank you, Master, for your hard work.

I decided to return the money. I told my husband the story and about my decision the next morning. He supported me. We went to the hospital after breakfast and returned the money to the man’s mother. My chest pain was completely gone. Cultivation is marvelous. It is so good that I have Master.

Master Helped Me Dissolve My Karma

One morning at 6:30, I sat down on the sofa in full lotus position and started to study the Fa, as it was still took early to go to work. I normally went to work at 7:30 a.m. I forgot to watch the time as I was so focused on studying the Fa. It was nearly 8 a.m.,when I looked at the time. I stood up from the sofa and before I could get my bearings, I heard a noise and I fell down. When I sat up, I saw my left foot was upside down with the sole facing up. I was petrified. At that instant, Master’s Fa came to my mind:

“We have said that good or evil comes from a person’s spontaneous thought, and the thought at that moment can bring about different consequences.” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun)

“I am a practitioner. Master protects me. I won’t have any problem,” I told myself. I turned my left foot upside down again with force. My left foot became normal. I stood up. The left foot could touch the ground. It was not very painful, but was numb. I went downstairs and rode my bicycle to work.

It took me 10 minutes to ride to my company by bicycle. My foot became painful at work. It became more and more swollen. I had difficulty walking on the stairs when I got home from work. I hopped on one foot up four flights of stairs to my apartment. I sat down and did the meditation. My foot didn't hurt while I was meditating. I felt a current of cool air travel down my left leg, to the tip of the toes constantly. I meditated for an hour and my left foot barely hurt at all. My foot had a bruise. I realized that Master had dissolved my karma using this form. I was happy.

My husband came home after 1 p.m. He saw me and wanted to take me to the clinic, but I refused to go. He bought a bottle of liquid medicine from the pharmacy and said that it was very effective, and asked me to use it. Then he left for work.

I studied the Fa and did the exercises. When I finished the meditation, the bruise was bigger. My husband got angry when he got home and saw the bottle of medicine had not been opened. He said that I was looking to die. He didn’t eat dinner and lay down on his bed in a fit of anger. After a while when he calmed down a bit, I said, “Don’t be angry with me. I know that you are good to me. I am a practitioner and I know what I should do. I won’t play games with my life. Please give me three days. If I do not recover by then, I will do whatever you tell me to.”

He said he didn’t care. Actually, he was watching me every day. I took it lightly. I believed that whatever Master had arranged for me was good. I studied the Fa and did the exercises a lot. My foot was still swollen and bruised, so I practiced the meditation more. The following day my whole foot was covered in purple bruises. The sole of my foot and my toes were dark purple. My foot was so swollen that I couldn’t fit it into our largest slipper. But the strangest thing was that it didn’t hurt much.

I knew that Master had borne the pain for me. Thank you, Master! On the morning of the third day, my husband kept looking at my foot, but didn’t say anything. He went to work unimpressed. When he came back in the evening, he looked at my foot. It was normal! There were no bruises at all, as if nothing had happened to my foot. That was miraculous. I had been focusing on studying the Fa and doing the exercises. I didn’t even notice when my foot returned to normal. He was amazed and said, “This is miraculous. In the morning your foot was still so swollen. How come it’s normal now? This is a miracle.” I thanked Master for his compassion and protection again!

I was infected with SARS in 2003. I felt muddle-headed and was very sleepy that day at work. I could hardly finish the end-of-the-month financial reports. I went straight to bed after I got home. My husband urged me to get up and have dinner at 7 p.m. He felt my hand and said it was hot. I had a fever. It was at the peak of SARS. Many people died from SARS. I would be isolated if I went to see the doctor. I hadn’t handed over my work yet. What should I do? My husband said that I shouldn’t go to see the doctor and he would buy some medicine for me. He said that the medicine would work on me because I hadn’t taken any medicine for so many years. I said to Master in my heart, “Master, what should I do?”

He bought a powdered medication and prepared it for me. When I smelled it, I vomited. He then brought me a pill to take. I put it in my mouth and drank some water. He was satisfied and said, “Please have a good sleep.” He then went to his room.

I spat the pill out after he was gone. Every time he watched, I took the pill, and every time I spat it out when he was out of sight. He took my temperature every half an hour. It went down a bit every time. But I was still drowsy. He got worried and asked my niece to come to look after me. She took my temperature and prepared medicine for me. She and my husband didn’t sleep at all that night. My temperature was still over 103 degrees Fahrenheit the next day.

At noon, my husband said, “If you don’t get better tonight, I will call your dad and tell him what has happened to you.” I became anxious and said to Master in my heart, “Master, please do not let him call my father. He is in his 80s and wouldn't be able to come. If he knew about my situation, he would be very worried.” All of a sudden I felt at ease and assured. My niece took my temperature. It was 98 degrees. She took my temperature again at 6 p.m. It was 98 degrees. I had recovered completely. My temperature dropped from 103 to 98 degrees in no time. It was a miracle!

Master indeed knew what I was thinking. At this crucial moment, Master saved me again. Thank you, Master! I practiced the five full sets of the exercises again. I measured my temperature at 3:50 the next morning. It was 36.6 degrees. I practiced the five sets of exercises again. I left a note for my husband and my niece to tell them that I had completely recovered before I left for work.

After I came home from work, I went to the kitchen to cook. Both of them stared at me curiously and asked me simultaneously, “Have you really recovered?’ They seemed to not believe me. I said, “Yes, of course. You see how energetic I am. I can even cook for you. Master takes care of us practitioners. It was not an illness but cleansing. This is miracle!”

Because I firmly believed in Master, Master helped dissolve my karma again. I had validated how extraordinary Falun Dafa is to my husband and my niece! Thank you, Master, for your saving grace. I don’t know how I can possibly pay you back!

My Husband’s Righteousness and Kindness

My husband is very righteous and kind, but he is stubborn. He doesn’t practice Falun Dafa but he knows the truth about Dafa. He is very supportive of me. He withdrew from the CCP and its affiliated organizations at a very early stage of the movement to quit the Party with his real name. I gave him an alias but he didn’t accept it. He said, “I will use my own name to quit the CCP. What else can they do to me!” I was moved.

He knows that Falun Dafa is good and has helped me do a lot of things to validate the Fa. He invited many friends to our home and asked me to clarify the truth to them. He has helped distribute truth clarification materials and put up posters for me. One day he was on the night shift and saw a new eight-meter-long banner defaming Falun Dafa in the courtyard at work. He planned to take it down because it poisoned people. But on second thought, he couldn’t do it because he was the only one on the shift and his manager would know who had taken it down. But he kept thinking about it and decided to take it down before dawn. Otherwise he would miss the opportunity to take it down. He thought, “If my manager asks me, I will not admit it. Anyway, no one will see it. At worst, I will quit my job.” He then took down the banner and burned it. He put the ashes into the trash can on the street. It was 1:30 a.m. when he finished. The next morning nobody asked about the banner when they came to work. Thanks to Master’s protection, he did it successfully. The practitioners in my Fa-study group admired him for doing this. He was later blessed for doing this good thing.

On May 31, 2023, my husband contracted COVID-19. He had a persistent high fever and difficulty breathing. We rushed to the hospital. An X-ray at the outpatient clinic showed that 80 percent of his lungs were afflicted with white lung, for which there is almost no cure. The doctor told me that his condition was very serious, that his case of white lung was very severe, and that I should be be mentally prepared for the worst. He said I should tell our children who were out of town to come home right away. It looked like my husband was struggling so much that he couldn’t be without oxygen for a moment. He couldn’t eat, either.

My son came home three days later, and I felt like I had someone to rely on. My husband couldn’t drink any water by the fifth day and had severe oral ulcers. The doctor said that he lacked potassium because he hadn’t eaten for several days and there was a risk he would go into shock at any time. They gave him nutritional fluid intravenously for two days. He didn’t improve. He had symptoms of high blood pressure and heart problems. The doctors couldn’t do anything. I begged Master to save him.

He was very weak. I said to him, “Don’t be afraid. Falun Dafa can save you. Only Master can save you! Please recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ in your heart. I will help recite the phrases for you.”

He understood me. He sat up in the bed with the pillow behind his head. He recited the phrases until he fell asleep. He woke up 20 minutes later. He had never slept so long in the hospital. He gained some energy after he woke up. We were very happy. I said that we would go home and listen to Master’s audio lectures, and he would get better faster. He agreed. He asked to go home the next day. The doctor suggested that he stay in the hospital for two more days. He insisted on going home. The doctor asked him to sign a statement that he would bear the consequences if anything happened. He agreed.

He was discharged from the hospital on June 10 and put in a wheelchair. When he got home, he shouted “I believe in Falun Dafa” after he lay down on the bed. This was his heart-felt statement.

A miracle happened. He was able to lie down this time. It had been impossible for him to do so when he was in the hospital. He asked to listen to the Fa. As he listened, he fell asleep. After he woke up, he said he was hungry and wanted to eat. Every day he used all his time to listen to the Fa and recite the phrases. He improved day by day and could eat more day by day. He stopped using a ventilator three days later. One week later, he could walk at home and eat normally.

When he went to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor applauded when she saw my husband coming in. She was with some intern doctors. She said, “He was the one I mentioned to you several days ago. You see now he is …” The intern doctors applauded. It was very moving.

My husband completely recovered with no sequelae in his lungs. As long as people believe in Falun Dafa, Master will help cure their illnesses for them. Falun Dafa saved his life! Master gave him a second life. Thank you, Master! Falun Dafa is a boundless blessing to sentient beings!

Master Helped Me Get Rid of Fear and Improve My Xinxing

I was timid and relied on other people. When I first distributed truth-clarification materials, I went with another practitioner. I was nervous and afraid. I was interfered with by the evil due to my attachments. My feet ached. I didn’t know about sending forth righteous thoughts at that time. The other practitioner said that it was a false manifestation and asked me to go with her because Master would protect us and there wouldn’t be a problem. I went despite the pain. Thanks to Master’s protection, we quickly finished giving out the materials. My feet weren’t painful any more.

One day the practitioner and I distributed pamphlets from the 7th floor on down in a building. When I was on the 2nd floor, I saw a man in his 30s half way down the 2nd floor looking up. I was frightened. I needed to leave quickly, but how could I leave? He was in the way. Luckily he was not big. I squeezed through. He didn’t say anything. He actually didn’t move. I was truly scared at that moment. I rushed downstairs and saw the practitioner. The practitioner said, “Okay, did you lock him?” I said, “No, I didn’t say ‘ding’ (freeze), I said that I wouldn’t let him commit a crime against Falun Dafa.” The practitioner said, “What you said is for his benefit and is in line with the Fa. Master’s law body helped you and saved him. Please say ‘unlock’ to unlock him.” I said, “Unlock.” I didn’t know what was going on with him. I believed that Master’s law body would unlock him. Thank you, Master, for your compassion and salvation!

I went out with another practitioner to give out The Ultimate Goal of Communism booklets one day in 2016. A restaurant had just opened and didn’t have diners yet. I gave a copy to a young man, who was the boss of the restaurant. He accepted it and raised it above his head. He shouted, “Falun Dafa is good! Long live Falun Gong!” It was very touching. I clarified the truth to him. He agreed to quit the CCP. Sentient beings are awakening and are eagerly waiting to be saved!

On another occasion, I went to a grocery store and saw a little girl and her mother. The little girl didn’t look normal. I showed a copy of the booklet to the mother. Before I spoke, the little girl came to me, took the booklet and pressed it against her chest. She bowed to me with deep respect, but didn’t say anything. Her mother laughed. Seeing this, I was moved. The knowing side of sentient beings are waiting for salvation by Falun Dafa.

Keeping up with the Fa-rectification’s Process and Walking My Own Cultivation Path

To keep up with the Fa-rectification’s progress, our Fa study group went to prisons and forced labor camps to send forth righteous thoughts in close proximity to dissolve the persecution of practitioners.

We started to produce Shen Yun DVDs in 2009. I helped other practitioners at the production site. We were busy every day. I regarded the work as cultivation during that time. I didn’t study the Fa much. The other practitioner was 10 years older than me. She was stable, quick, and did the job fast and well. She was very particular when it came to details. I saw that she was too busy and looked tired. I helped her do more work. Because I was not on the Fa, I made a lot of trouble for her.

Master said,

“What you are working on is not cultivation in and of itself. Be it the businesses you own, your Dafa projects, or whatever it is you do—they are not cultivation in their own right. What makes something cultivation is the attitude that you bring to it and the way that you deal with and resolve any issues, namely, by applying the standards for a practicing Dafa disciple!” (“Fa Teaching at the 2019 New York Fa Conference,” Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. XV)

My attitude was not correct. I didn’t measure my behavior against the standards for Falun Dafa practitioners. Instead I used a human mentality, human notions, and human sentiment. I can’t excuse myself for that even now.

As the Fa-rectification progressed, Master required us to have material production sites everywhere. Thanks to practitioners’ help, I set up one in my home in March 2009. I provided some elderly practitioners with Minghui Weekly and other pamphlets. Some practitioners distributed materials in the countryside and required a large quantity. Though I was busy, I felt fulfilled.

I was not good at clarifying the truth to people in person. I respected practitioners who told people the facts about Falun Dafa with ease. I admired them. The Fa-rectification and Master required us to step out and clarify the truth to people face-to-face. I felt anxious as I hadn’t had a breakthrough.

Master saw my heart and arranged two practitioners who had ample experience in clarifying the truth to people to accompany me. We studied the Fa together three times a week in the morning and went out to clarify the truth to people in the afternoon, rain or shine. Feng (alias) was nearly 80 years old. She had clarified the truth to people in person for many years and had ample experience. She clarified the truth to whoever she came across with wisdom and righteous thoughts, with laughter and affinity. I’d wanted to imitate her but failed. Through studying the Fa more, I realized that Feng had reached that realm and her righteous thoughts and wisdom came from the Fa. I knew why I fell short. I only followed her but didn’t improve from the Fa. That was absolutely not okay. Master had told us not to follow practitioners. Instead we should regard the Fa as teacher. I should study the Fa more.

I often told myself that Master’s Fa is all-powerful. I should study the Fa more with a focused mind and improve my xinxing. Gradually I formed my own way to save sentient beings and did it from my own insights and understanding of the Fa. Some people believed me and agreed to quit the CCP. Some didn’t believe me no matter how hard I tried. Some swore at me or reported me to the police. I came across all sorts of people. Thanks to Master’s protection, I stayed safe despite all of the risks and dangers. I knew I still had a lot of shortcomings and attachments. I didn’t dare to clarify the truth in my own residential area. I didn’t want to talk to people who I didn’t like. I didn’t dare to clarify the truth if there were many people around me. I needed to improve myself quickly. Thank you, Master, for your protection and compassion all these years. I am determined to do better and be worthy of Master’s expectations for us.

My whole family is very grateful to Master. Master is great! Falun Dafa is great! I will cultivate diligently and be worthy of Master’s expectations and salvation.

I hope everyone in this world can learn the facts about Falun Dafa. Please cherish this opportunity of a millennia and withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. Please remember Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good and you will stay safe when the big catastrophes come. Falun Dafa saves sentient beings, while the CCP destroys them. If people can learn the truth and discern good and bad, they will be saved and will remain.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)