(Minghui.org) The Shulan City Police Department in Jilin Province mobilized its subordinate police stations and arrested at least 35 residents on June 5, 2024 for their shared faith in Falun Gong, a mind-body practice that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999.

Among the 35 Falun Gong practitioners, twelve were confirmed to still be in detention, eleven have unknown case status, and the remaining twelve have been released.

Twelve Still in Detention

Zhang Laosan (whose gender is unknown) and Ms. Xie Yan are currently held in detention facilities (exact names unknown) in Jilin City, Jilin Province.

Ms. Xie (first name unknown), Ms. Zhao Shuhua, Ms. Wang Zhilan, a 58-year-old woman and an elderly man (the latter two’s names unknown) are held in the Shulan City Detention Center.

Ms. Wang (a senior whose first name is unknown), Ms. Xu Xiaolan, Ms. Chen Yuhui, Ms. Sun Lifang, and a 60-year-old woman whose name is unknown were each given 15 days of detention. It is unclear where they are being held.

One Released on Bail

Ms. Feng Yuqiu was released on bail due to health reasons. During her arrest, the Beicheng Police Station confiscated the printer of her daughter, a tutor. Despite repeated requests to have the printer back, the police have not returned it yet.

Eleven Released Unconditionally

Ms. Zhang Lan, Ms. Ren Shaojie, Ms. Li Bairong, 77, Ms. Li Xiuling, Ms. Han Zhen, Ms. Liu Jingfan, Ms. Wang Shulan, Ms. Guo Qingfen, Ms. Guan, Ms. Ma, and Ms. Sun, (the latter three’s given names unknown) were cleared of prosecution and released.

Eleven Practitioners’ Case Status Unknown

The case status of the following eleven practitioners remain to be investigated after their arrests on June 5, including Ms. Zhu Yujun, Ms. Zhang Zhongying, Ms. Zhao (first name unknown), Ms. Wang Lijuan (who underwent a physical examination), Ms. Lou Haiqin, Ms. Zhang Guirong, Ms. Niu Yumin, and four practitioners whose names are unknown, including a resident of the Daodong Residential Area and three practitioners arrested by the Tiedong Police Station.