(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa 27 years ago, and I wanted to tell you how Master compassionately protected me so that my experiences can validate the greatness of Master and Falun Dafa!

I used to have multiple diseases and had to take medicine every day. Master started cleansing my body as soon as I began practicing. All my discomfort was gone. I didn’t take any medicine, but I didn’t feel sick. After three months, it dawned on me that I hadn’t taken any medicine for a long time.

Master continued to dissolve my karma and cleanse my body during my first year of cultivation. Sometimes it took a couple of days. Sometimes it took longer. The longest cultivation test took six months. However, I was able to break through with Master’s protection and guidance. I personally experienced the extraordinary power of Falun Dafa throughout the process. It’s not something explainable by modern science.

I feel light through cultivation. I no longer feel tired after walking a long time. My knees used to hurt whenever I climbed the stairs. Now I can easily climb stairs and hike mountain trails faster than young people. My workplace once organized a trip to a mountain that was 4,000 meters tall. I was the only one who didn’t take anything for altitude sickness. Several coworkers had to use oxygen, including young people. I was in my 50s, but I helped take care of my younger coworkers. My boss gave me a thumbs-up. I told him that practicing Falun Dafa gave me an extraordinary physical state.

I couldn’t meditate in the full lotus position after cultivating for a year, and I became anxious. I told Master about my frustration while holding his picture on his birthday. I also looked within for my shortcomings. Afterwards, I tried again. To my delight, I was able to easily sit in the full lotus position. However, an excruciating pain started as soon as I was able to pull both legs up. I knew that Master was pushing karma out of my body. I wanted to uncross my legs, but then heard Master’s voice, “Two more minutes.” I was so excited that Master was right there with me. I was able to keep my legs crossed for 15 minutes, and finally uncrossed them after my feet turned red.

One day, I had a bad cough and couldn’t stop my running nose. It was almost time for me to start teaching, and I was worried I wouldn’t be able to teach my students. However, as soon as the bell rang, I walked to the podium without any cough or runny nose. All the symptoms restarted after my class was over. I thanked Master for helping me through my classes.

The Miracles I Experienced

After the Chinese Communist Party launched the persecution in 1999, I went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa twice and was thrown into a detention center. A policeman shocked my face, neck, and hands with an electric baton. The smell of my burning flesh filled the room. However, after over 10 minutes of being shocked, I didn’t have any injuries. The policeman thought that the electric baton was broken, but I knew Master must have endured the pain for me.

One day, I was in the middle of cooking when I heard my sister call me. I had already put some oil into the hot wok, but I walked over to see what she needed. As we started talking, I completely forgot that I hadn’t turned off my gas stove. I started walking out of the room and noticed the living room filled with smoke. I dashed into the kitchen and found the wok and the kitchen window on fire. Worst of all, the pipe leading to the gas meter was almost burned through. I immediately turned off the gas stove and removed the wok. As I begged Master for help in my mind, I crawled to the gas meter and turned it off. As soon as it was off, the connection pipe burned through. If it had been delayed for a second, there could have been an explosion. I thanked Master for protecting me.

On another day, I put some pork in a steamer, but forgot to turn off the stove before leaving for work. I smelled something burning when I got back home for lunch, and suddenly remembered the steamer. I ran to the kitchen. The stove was still on. The steamer, including the lid, were black. I hurried to turn off the stove and waited for the steamer to cool down before opening it. It had been on for more than four hours. The oil from the pork had spilled to the bottom of the streamer, but it hadn’t caught fire. I knew that Master saved me from a disaster again.

One time, I fell while trying to reach something by standing on two stacked stools. It was so painful that I couldn’t get up. I begged Master for help and repeatedly said, “Falun Dafa is great.” I was able to move. I got up and walked slowly while holding on to the furniture. I realized that there must be something I hadn’t have done well in my cultivation.

My daughter called at that moment, telling me to get something from downstairs in an hour. I didn’t want to recognize the old forces’ trap of forcing me to admit I couldn’t walk, so I told my daughter I would. I was able to walk slowly without much support after an hour. I managed to walk downstairs from the ninth floor while holding onto the rails. Although I didn’t want to tell my daughter that I fell, she could tell that I was walking differently. I had to tell her what had happened, but told her that I was already fine.

As Master told us,

“We have said that good or bad comes from a person’s initial thought, and the thought at that moment can bring about different consequences.” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun)

My daughter was worried about me carrying the things upstairs. I told her that I would be fine. As soon as I put my foot on the first step, all my pain was gone. I easily walked to the ninth floor. I was close to 70 at that time, but I didn’t get injured after falling, and my pain was gone within a couple of hours. If I hadn’t personally experienced it, I would have hard time believing it!

Master removed the negative things from our bodies and minds, guided us to a bright path leading to our true origin, and:

“...removed Dafa disciples’ names from the Three Realms, from the human world, and from the netherworld, including Hell.” (“Cultivation in Dafa Is Serious”)

Under Master’s profound compassion and grace, if we didn’t cultivate ourselves well we would not live up to Master’s salvation and sentient beings’ expectations. Let’s treasure our opportunity to cultivate, cultivate diligently and seriously, eliminate our attachments, and fulfill our mission of saving sentient beings!