(Minghui.org) All genuine Falun Dafa practitioners should keep in mind the principle that Dafa projects do not engage in fundraising. However, human beings are easily tempted by fame, gain, and emotions. For a practitioner, any of these attachments can be a fatal weakness that malicious people and entities in other dimensions can easily take advantage of to advance their own interests, harm you, and even damage the reputation of Dafa disciples and projects.

The problem is, whenever the old forces or people with ill thoughts set up such traps over the years, some practitioners would fall for it and stumble in their cultivation as a result. These traps have taken on various forms, including fundraising and using WeChat, but each time there are practitioners who are deceived. They justify their actions and validate themselves by citing teachings from Dafa books, but they behave irrationally and show that they know nothing of cultivation practice. How can they save others if they do not walk their own paths righteously?

In fact, in these twenty-five years of persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), everyone who still studies the Fa, does the exercises, and wants to clarify the truth to save people knows how precious Dafa is. The differences lie in each person’s enlightenment quality, as well as their origin and destiny. Since we all want to return to our origins, why don’t we hold ourselves to the standards that Dafa requires of us and cultivate solidly and rationally? When problematic individuals and events appear, some practitioners cannot respond with rationality and are instead driven to act rashly. Even after realizing their mistake, some fail to look inward for the cause and only concern themselves with making excuses. These practitioners have not taken the Fa as their teacher, and even less have they cultivated solidly.

Two years ago, a person began posting on social media in mainland China, claiming to have supernormal abilities and memories of prior lives. Calling herself the “godmother of the Fei Tian school president,” the person claimed to have exhausted their funds to support Fei Tian and thus owed a large amount of debt. An accomplice in turn said that she had transcended the Three Realms, had Law Bodies helping her do things, and had supernormal powers. Facing this messy situation, some practitioners failed to discern the malicious actors. They eagerly took the bait and continually gave rewards and donations to these WeChat accounts. Some even lent money in private to those who had made these claims. Some donated over 10,000 yuan, others donated huge sums but dared not disclose it publicly, and some practitioners said they rewarded these accounts over 10,000 yuan each month. Even after the recipients changed their tune and stopped claiming to be practitioners, those who gave rewards and donated money still did not enlighten to the deception and continued to justify their own actions.

Even if a social media account appears to have truth-clarification content or calls itself “Lotus” or strange names, it does not prove who is behind the account. It is even clearer when the person’s words and actions are not in line with Dafa. Moreover, these accounts are controlled by the CCP. Those who really want to cultivate should wake up quickly and seize the time to cultivate solidly!

Remember: Dafa projects do not solicit or collect funds.

Minghui Editorial BoardJune 11, 2024