(Minghui.org) The Jiangbei District Court in Chongqing sentenced a local woman to one year and four months in mid-April 2024 for her practicing Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999.

Ms. Lyu Yamin, 78, is now serving time at the Chongqing Women’s Prison located in Jiulongpo District. Her wrongful conviction stemmed from her arrest on May 25, 2023. A group officers deceived her into opening the door that day and confiscated all her Falun Gong books.

The police targeted Ms. Lyu after suspecting that she distributed articles written by the founder of Falun Gong to some local students. They put her on criminal detention in a local detention center and submitted her case to the Jiangbei District Procuratorate in November 2023.

The procuratorate later returned the case to the police citing insufficient evidence, but prosecutor Liu Jie sided with the police to keep Ms. Lyu in detention because she refused to renounce Falun Gong and did the Falun Gong exercises in the detention center.

Ms. Lyu’s family hired a lawyer to represent her, but neither they nor the lawyer were given updates of her case status. They still do not know when the police resubmitted her case and got it accepted by the procuratorate, or when she was indicted, tried, or transferred to prison.