(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1998, and this is the happiest time in my life. I cherish this amazing opportunity, and thank Master for his compassion.

I was frail, sickly, and had heart problems. I frequently had colds, headaches, chronic appendicitis, cholecystitis, tonsillitis, stomach pain and other ailments. I fainted three times, and always carried medicine with me.

After I began practicing Falun Dafa, I diligently study the Fa, practice the exercises every day, and strive to improve my xinxing. I soon recovered from all my illnesses. I felt energetic and truly achieved a state of being illness-free. I have witnessed the miracle of Dafa!

I am now 81 years old. I can hear and see well, and I do not feel old. I get on my bicycle and go out to clarify the truth. I would often tell my bicycle, “Bicycle, you are also a life and are here for Dafa. You must remember ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’. You must assimilate to Dafa, and you will have a bright future. I use you to help Master save people every day, and your contribution is great.”

I also send righteous thoughts to the truth materials, “Truth materials, you must remember that you are here to help save people. Wherever you go, you must disintegrate the old force factors in other dimensions. You must play a role in saving sentient beings.”

Every time I place the truth materials outside a door, I say, “Master is here to save people, and dogs should not bark.” Thus, not a single dog barked. Over the years, I even distributed materials during the daytime.

An army veteran took out his cell phone to report me while I was clarifying the truth to him. But he found his phone was out of power when he tried to turn it on. I took the opportunity to get on my bike and ride away. Merciful Master always protects us.

I use banknotes with truth clarification messages on them when I buy things. [Editors notes: Due to strict information censorship in China, many practitioners are using creative ways to raise awareness about the persecution, including printing messages on paper banknotes].

In the past, I pick and choose where I bought groceries, but after I began practicing Falun Dafa, I required myself to follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. I stopped being selfish and placed others’ interests first. I used the paper banknotes to ride buses instead of buying a bus card.

In the process of cultivation, we must practice diligently and not slack off. I do the exercises every day. After getting up at 3:10 a.m., I first wash myself and then do the exercises, and I do all five exercises. Afterwards, I feel energetic. It’s like my cells are growing and my entire body is being embraced by the energy.

The purpose of our cultivation is to return to our true nature and to elevate our lives to a higher level. Practitioners work hard to validate the Fa, strive to do the three things well, fulfill their vows and complete their historic mission. I am reporting my cultivation experiences to Master and I’d like to share it with other practitioners.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)