(Minghui.org) My grandmother and mother started practicing Falun Dafa when I was one. My grandma said that even though I still could not walk steadily, I imitated them when they did the exercise movements. By the time I entered nursery school, I knew some of the exercises, and I listened when they read the Fa. Dafa protected me. When I was little, if I didn’t feel well, grandma and mom asked me to meditate and I sat in the full lotus position. The headaches and fevers quickly passed.

A playmate told me that she coughed every day, and she needed to take a very bitter medicine. I told her about the exercise verse for the fifth exercise, which grandma and mom taught me:

“Youyi Wuyi, Yinsui Jiqi, Sikong Feikong, Dongjing Ruyi”(Chapter II Illustrations and Explanations of the Exercise Movements, Reinforcing Supernatural Powers, The Great Way of Spiritual Perfection)

I said, “You just have to sit in the full lotus position and recite this and you will recover very quickly.” She said, “I know about this.” The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had already started to persecute Dafa at that time. I was so young that I did not understand what the persecution was all about. I just purely wanted to share the miraculous nature and goodness of Dafa with my friend. This was the first time I clarified the truth.

My grandma was later arrested and persecuted by the police. I could not understand why this happened and I was angry. I could not understand why being a good person and sharing that Falun Dafa is good could result in such unjust treatment. As I grew older, I knew that this was the persecution that the Party and former CCP head Jiang Zemin initiated. I learned to send forth righteous thoughts and did to clear away the interference when the school tried to instill some bad information in us.

Empowered by righteous thoughts, I was able to meet some good friends. For example, when I was in high school a classmate who sat at the same table as me for a while told me one day, “I am going overseas. After I go overseas, I will tell everyone that loving China does not equate to loving the Party. Many of my friends overseas think that the CCP is bad!” I didn’t know what quitting the CCP and its youth organizations was about at that time. I just felt that it was really rare for this classmate, who is not a practitioner, to have the same knowledge that I did about the Party. I said, “What you just said is very good. I hope that everything goes smoothly for you when you are abroad!”

As I studied Master’s lectures from different regions and listened to practitioners’ cultivation experiences, I learned the importance of clarifying the truth. I thought about my friends and wondered how I should tell them the truth. When I shared my concerns with my mom, she told me her understandings, “As long as you have the sincere wish to clarify the truth and save people, there will definitely be opportunities.” Afterwards, whenever I wanted to clarify the truth to my friends, I asked Master in my heart to empower me and I sent righteous thoughts. Amazing things happened. Many of my friends would start to talk about related topics, even before I started talking to them.

For example, one day I was preparing to have lunch with a good friend. A friend was looking at her phone and suddenly said, “It is said that there is a lot of news overseas that we cannot see. Do you know about that?” When I heard that, I thought that it was a good chance to clarify the truth, so I said, “Yes, when I was overseas, I saw many things that are not like what they have said in China ...”

Before I could finish, she asked, “In that case, do you know about Falun Dafa? Did you see it when you were overseas? Are they like what they say in China?” During the rest of the afternoon break, I clarified the truth to her very seriously, telling her that the news she heard in China defaming Dafa is all fake news and lies. After learning the truth, her perspective about Dafa had a big positive change. I was happy about the success of this truth clarification. However, I knew that Dafa’s powers and Master’s empowerment had made everything successful.

Since then, I made sure to send righteous thoughts before I clarified the truth. Not only do I send righteous thoughts for myself, I also do so for fellow practitioners. My husband was preparing to clarify the truth to his friends. I told him very seriously to send righteous thoughts beforehand and that he could ask Master for help if he had any difficulties. His truth clarification was successful and he learned that a family member of his good friend is a practitioner. During the truth clarification process, both of them exchanged their thoughts about cultivation, and this helped their other friends gain a deeper understanding about the goodness of Dafa.

The persecution also caused me to have some fearful thoughts and attachments. I consider these chances for me to overcome what I should overcome and improve in my cultivation. I now study the Fa every day and have had deep experiences about the protection that Dafa and Master have given me. I will do the three things even more diligently, believe in Master and the Fa, and persist in cultivating in a steadfast manner all the time. I believe all the difficulties will finally be overcome if I continue to cultivate in this way.