(Minghui.org) I became a practitioner in 1996, and have lived according to Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance since then. I’ve matured in my cultivation, while assisting Master during Fa-rectification. On this 25th World Falun Dafa Day, I’d like to share some of my experiences and express my infinite gratitude to compassionate Master.

The following are my cultivation experiences. Please correct me if I’m not in line with the Fa. Heshi.

In early 1997, three months after I learned the practice, a work colleague from another city slapped me in front of other coworkers. I thought he was being unreasonable, and I felt upset about it. But I quickly reminded myself that I was a practitioner, should not fight back, and should be kind to everyone. I calmed down and apologized to him. This colleague resigned some time later. Perhaps he was afraid that I was going to seek revenge on him.

I continued to encounter things like this, where I was being laughed at or wronged. I just shrugged it off and tried not to be moved by it.

Master said:

“How will you be able to cultivate in the remaining course of your life? We must clean all of them out for you and prevent these things from occurring. We must, however, make it clear ahead of time that we can only do these things for true cultivators.” (Lecture Three, Zhuan Falun)

One of my eyes was splashed with iron foam particles at work in 1998. It became red and swollen, and I couldn’t see. I thought that if it happened due to my karma, there was nothing to fear, as even if I became blind, I would continue to cultivate. As a result, my eye healed within a few days, and I realized that Master was protecting me.

I went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa in 2000, and was arrested and taken back to my hometown. The Domestic Security officers summoned my relatives, and my uncles, brothers, and sisters all showed up. I had a simple thought, “Even if I have to sever familial ties, I will not give up the practice.” But none of my relatives said anything bad about Dafa.

I was released from the forced labor camp in 2002. By then, I had reached the state of gradual enlightenment and my celestial eye was open. I could also see scenes from another dimension with my human eyes open. In one such scene, a divine being told me that I had reached consummation in my personal cultivation, from the basis of Buddhahood cultivation. The Buddhas, Daos, and gods came out to welcome me. I saw a young monk in his teens. He bathed, changed clothing, and flew into the sky with a ten-foot-long yellow cloth around him.

Master said:

“The trials that a cultivator goes through are something an ordinary person could not endure. That is why throughout history so few people have succeeded at cultivation and achieved Consummation. Human beings are human beings. At critical moments it is hard for them to let go of their human notions. Instead, they always try to rationalize things. A magnificent cultivator, by contrast, is able to let go of Self and even all of his ordinary human thoughts amidst crucial trials. I congratulate the Dafa cultivators who can come through the Consummation-determining tests.” (“Position,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress II)

Looking back at my cultivation path, I didn’t have any profound theoretical understanding of the Fa principles, because I knew that enlightening to the high-level Fa principles comes from xinxing improvement.

Master said in Zhuan Falun:

“One’s gong level is as high as one’s xinxing level, and this is an absolute truth.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)

Cultivation is actually very simple. The question is whether you can do it or not. When your xinxing improves, your gong will increase, and your ability to awaken people will be greater.

I rarely think about the old forces in my cultivation. I just make sure that I fulfill my responsibility as a Dafa practitioner in my daily life and at work.

I started to make truth-clarification materials in 2002. My understanding was that the technical knowledge I possessed was given by our great Master, and I should pass it on to other practitioners without reservation. This would create more materials production sites and Fa study groups.

This is how I walked my path, one step at a time, according to Master’s teachings. Master said that he does not acknowledge the old forces’ existence. Therefore, we should eliminate with righteous thoughts any ordeals that we should not bear, or those that are very big.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)