(Minghui.org) From the Fa teachings, we know that many Falun Dafa practitioners possess divine powers of the Buddha Fa. When encountering persecution by the evil, if practitioners have compassionate righteous thoughts, they can use these abilities to clear out all interference and stop the police from committing crimes against Dafa. I would like to share a few such experiences.

Protecting Our Truth-clarification Materials and Avoiding Arrest

A fellow practitioner brought a large bag of truth-clarification materials to my home. When we were dividing up the materials, we heard rapid knocks on the door. I looked through the peephole and saw two police officers outside. We quickly stuffed the materials into the bed before the police broke in.

I told them, “Police officers are supposed to pursue bad people, but in this house we are all good people. Do you have any business being here?” The two officers replied, “Just checking.” They then started searching my cabinets and bins one by one.

I focused on sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil elements controlling them. My cabinets and bed were full of Dafa materials, yet I had no fear. I followed the police around the house and kept sending forth righteous thoughts. “The police shall not see any Dafa materials!” I firmly thought this. In fact, they really did not see any of the materials, and left with empty hands. The strong righteous thoughts restrained the police. Master Li protected me.

Keeping the Police from Doing Bad Things

Another time, three police officers showed up at my house and arrested my husband, who is also a Dafa practitioner. They ransacked our home but did not find anything related to Dafa. When they saw a storage room in the yard, they all went into the yard. I was anxious, since there were bags of Dafa materials and banners in the storage room. I ran out to the yard, but did not say anything, and just stood there, sending forth righteous thoughts, “The police shall not see the bags!”

One police officer squatted down and was pulling out a large bag containing banners. At that moment, I started begging Master for help, “Master! Please stop the police from doing bad things. Do not let them find any Dafa materials!” I sent out a thought telling the officer to put the bag back.

The officer seemed to have received my message. Without any expression on his face, he obediently pushed the big bag back. He then stood up, took three truth-clarification pamphlets and a piece of copper ware from the storage and left. I was so grateful for Master’s protection!

Removing the Evil Display Board

In another incident, a display board attacking Dafa was placed in front of an office building in my area. Many passersby stopped to see it. I wondered, “What should I do about it?” I was very anxious. It was broad daylight, and there were many people in front of the building. It seemed impossible to remove the board.

I said to a fellow practitioner, “Let’s send forth righteous thoughts. We’ll use the divine powers of the Buddha Fa that Master gave us to clean out those evil spirits in another dimension.”

We sat in my home, sending righteous thoughts and asking Master to strengthen us. In about half an hour, there suddenly came a strong wind, thunder and lightning, and then pouring rain. I thought it must be a big battle between good and evil. We continued to send forth righteous thoughts for an hour. Then the rain stopped.

I thought the evil display board must be gone. The practitioner and I rode our bicycles to the office building. We saw that the display board had been overturned by the strong wind and lay on the ground in a heap. Our righteous thoughts cleaned out the evil!

Protecting a Fellow Practitioner

On the day that a fellow practitioner was being released from prison, the local Organization Department and the Security Section from the practitioner’s work unit sent two vehicles to the prison. They wanted to take the practitioner directly to a brainwashing center.

Two cars of local practitioners and one car of practitioners from a nearby city also went to the prison. We sent forth righteous thoughts to dissolve the evil forces.

When the released practitioner approached the prison gate, her two brothers hurried in, held her arms, and walked her quickly out the gate. Meanwhile, officers from the Security Section and Organization Department rushed toward them and wanted to take the practitioner away. The practitioner said firmly, “I’m freed! None of you have any right to touch me. Whoever dares to touch me will be sued!”

The officers were stunned for a moment. Seizing the opportunity, the practitioner quickly got into a car and began to drive away. The officers regained their senses and wanted to chase her. A practitioner then said loudly, “Quickly! Let’s send righteous thoughts to immobilize them!”

We immediately sent forth righteous thoughts. The officers were truly immobilized and could not move! Under our practitioners’ righteous thoughts, the evil’s plan to continue persecuting the released practitioner was disintegrated.