(Minghui.org) While attending my last year of middle school, I failed the high school entrance exam. My father applied for additional classes for me so that I could take the exam again. But my mother, who favored boys over girls, didn’t let me attend the classes. I was angry, this seriously hurt our relationship. She also verbally abused me and later arranged for me to marry someone in a poor family thousands of miles away from home.

I wanted to prove myself in my new environment to make my mother regret what she did to me. But the fact is, my husband was the second son in his family and he didn’t have much say at home. After I gave birth to our child, my mother-in-law refused to help me care for the baby. I was exhausted taking care of the baby and doing all the chores. I often thought to myself, why am I living such a bitter life? My resentment towards my mother grew over time and I blamed her for all the hardships in my life.

I began to practice Falun Dafa in 1996. I understood that the true purpose of life is to return to one’s original, true self. I began to appreciate the hardships I suffered over the years. I let go of my deep resentment and grudges against my mother. My once heavy heart was now light.

When I visited my mother in 2004, she said to me, “My dear daughter, I heard there were many golden books falling from heaven and they were as bright as the sun. Did you get a copy of it?” I was so happy to hear her say that and I said to her, “I have one of the books and it’s the book that brought me here to visit you.”

In 2021, my mother stayed with me for over 40 days. On the second day of her visit, she apologized to me for what she did to me in my youth. I told her that those things were the past and we should let them go. I’m now a Falun Dafa practitioner and Master teaches me to be kind to everyone, especially my mother. “Master is great!” she said.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)