(Minghui.org) I am a 60-year old female Falun Dafa practitioner, who would like to share two tribulations that happened to my family over a period of two months.

Dafa Cured My Mother’s Dislocated Wrist

I received a message from my sister-in-law, a fellow Falun Dafa practitioner, informing me that my mother had injured her hand in a fall on the evening of November 8, 2023. I immediately went to see my mother after finishing work at 8 p.m. My mother’s hand was swollen quite badly, but when I asked her if she was alright, she replied, “I’m not afraid.” My mother had fallen in the morning when going to the chicken coop to feed the chickens. After a while, she could get back on her feet, and asking Master to save her while reciting, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Moreover, her palm was twisted so severely from the fall that it faced the wrong direction. She told me, “Previously, I would have cursed [when something like this happened], but I stopped myself from cursing that day. You advised me to ask Master for help when encountering trouble, so I asked Master to help me.”

My younger brother helped my mother pull her dislocated hand back into position. My mother proceeded to do the exercises daily. As she was illiterate, I visited her every day and taught her how to read the Fa. At first, she could barely follow the words, although over time she slowly became more proficient.

One day while I was away, some agents who understood the truth about the goodness of Dafa, came to visit on instruction by a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official. On seeing my mother’s swollen hand, they asked, “Grandma, your hands are so swollen, but you haven’t seen a doctor?” My mother replied, “My hand has already healed.” The agents smiled and left without saying anything further. They returned a few days later and saw that the swelling around my mother’s hand had subsided. Although not completely restored , my mother’s hand looked much better.

Some kind-hearted people offered herbal medicine to treat her swollen hand, but my mother declined their offer. Instead, my mother studied the Fa and memorized three poems, “Tempering the Will,” “Cause and Effect,” and “Cultivating Amidst the Delusion.”[from Hong Yin] After 20 days, my mother’s hand was back to normal, and our family witnessed the extraordinary power of Dafa!

My Father’s Life and Death Tribulation

A month after my mother injured her hand, I received a message from my sister-in-law on the evening of December 10, asking me to visit my parents after work. I rushed over before 8 p.m., only to hear my sister-in-law say, “Dad wet in his pants again. He also has a high fever, keeps moaning, and seems incoherent.”

My father’s complexion had turned black from the fever. Additionally, he had difficulty breathing and kept moaning in pain. My sister-in-law and I sat next to him and sent forth righteous thoughts to completely negated the old forces’ arrangements. As a Dafa practitioner, my father is under Master’s protection and no other entity is worthy of persecuting him. Together, we asked Master to save my father.

Throughout the ordeal, I remained calm and unafraid. My father had experienced a similar disease karma years ago, and I had helped him overcome it on my own without my family’s knowledge. This time, I was determined to involve the rest of my family, so they could see with their own eyes how Dafa saved my father and how it had the power to save sentient beings. I instructed my mother and sister-in-law, “Ask someone to inform my eldest and youngest brothers about dad’s situation. Also, try to buy some adult diapers from the store.”

In the meantime, I sent forth righteous thoughts. When my siblings arrived, they were shocked to see my father’s condition. While they helped to change my father’s quilt, straw mat and clothes, I told them the truth. “Dafa is here to save people. It is not just any qigong practice, let alone a form of physical exercise. Dad experienced the same symptoms years ago. If not for Dafa, he would have passed away. We studied the Fa and did the exercises with him. He recovered within one day and night. Our two neighbors spent a lot of money and sought treatment at the hospital, but they both died in the end. Mother asked us not to tell anyone else then, because she was afraid the family would force him to visit the hospital. Mother believed that only Dafa’s Master could save our father. Additionally, you’ve all seen with your own eyes how mother’s hand recovered. All this can only be attributed to the power of Dafa.”

I added, “As a daughter, I can’t make any decisions and will accept whatever you decide. But, I know that the hospital can’t save our father, only Dafa’s Master can save him. A few years ago, I fell on my right hand while riding my bicycle and fractured my humerus and my injury was healed thanks to cultivation practice.” My two youngest brothers had witnessed the healing of my fracture with their own eyes, and everyone had seen how my mother’s hand was healed given the power of Dafa. My two younger brothers chose not to take our father to the hospital, and my eldest brother silently supported their decision.

Besides reading the Fa and sending forth righteous thoughts, my sister-in-law and I kept trying to rouse my delirious father. When I crouched down by my father’s side to read the Fa into his ear, the putrid odor issuing from his mouth made me feel sick and nauseous. Normally I would have vomited on encountering that kind of smell, but I held back that day, knowing this was no time to be distracted. I was racing against time to save my father from the hands of the old forces.

I told my father, “Dad, you must wake up, study the Fa and do the exercises. Completely deny the old forces. We have been waiting to obtain the Fa for tens of millions of years, so that we can go home with Master. As fellow practitioners, I know you can hear me despite your condition. Master taught us to help one another, and as long as Master is by our side, you will be fine. Since you can’t read the Fa, just follow what I read with your heart and recite it together with me if you can.”

We started sending forth righteous thoughts beginning at midnight, and we continued to recite the Fa. Suddenly we heard my father reading the Fa along with us in a very weak voice. Then my father slowly opened his eyes and woke up. I asked him, “Do you know what happened?” He replied in the negative. I then asked, “Do you know [Dafa’s] Master?” When he replied yes, I asked, “What is Master’s name?” My father was able to recite Master’s name before proceeding to tell us, “I am a Dafa practitioner.”

Throughout, my siblings had been observing our every move as they stood beside my father’s bed. I told them, “Dad will be fine. I’ll go home to take a shower then return.” My eldest brother replied, “It’s past midnight and you have to work tomorrow. Just rest at home. We can manage among the three of us here.” But, my younger brother disagreed, “No, elder sister must return. We won’t know what to do should something happen, not to mention sister has to read the Fa to dad.” On hearing this, my eldest brother said, “That’s true. I don’t have a deep understanding of Dafa and can only help lift dad up.” My other sister-in-law, a non-cultivator, also chimed in, “We don’t know how to replicate what elder sister said to dad.” My father also expressed a wish for me to stay by his side, as only fellow practitioners could help him recover. Hence after showering at home, I returned to read the Fa with my father, before falling asleep beside him.

After sending forth righteous thoughts in the morning, I left for work. At 8 a.m., I called my sister-in-law and asked her, “Has dad’s fever receded?” She replied, “Dad is fine. He can sit up, meditate and even ate a bowl of porridge.” Only much later did we realize my father had lost the ability to walk and his vision had deteriorated badly. Only when my father felt the urge to urinate did he discover his legs could no longer support his weight. When I handed him a Dafa book to read, I realized that my father’s vision was so damaged he could not even see the two large words “Hong Yin” on the front cover.

My father’s fever subsided in the morning but unexpectedly recurred that night. My father kept moaning in discomfort, while complaining that his throat hurt, and he could not spit out his phlegm. This pattern repeated itself over the next few days. My father’s fever would subside during the day then recur at night, or it would subside in the middle of the night then recur over the course of the day. My father’s condition similarly fluctuated between good and bad.

My younger brother’s daughter returned home during this time. As my father’s most cherished granddaughter, they shared a close bond. My niece was shocked to see her grandfather’s condition, and cried as she scolded us, “Why aren’t you sending grandpa to the hospital? He has a temperature of over 40 degrees, and you aren’t even giving him fever-reducing medicine. Will you let him continue to suffer like this?”

My younger brother noticed that she was becoming hysterical, so he hugged her and sat her down on the sofa. “Actually, it’s grandpa who refuses to go.” My niece rebutted, “He’s not even aware of his surroundings.” My brother continued, “What if he wakes up? Even if we take him to the hospital and put him on an IV, he will pull out the needle when he comes to his senses. What if the needle accidentally breaks inside his vein? Grandpa has all along been a stubborn person.”

My niece was in disbelief, “Then grandpa has never taken any medicine before?” My younger brother told her, “Before practicing Dafa he took medicines, but stopped after becoming a cultivator. He hasn’t taken medicine for decades nor visited the hospital.”

My younger brother also told her, “Look at your aunt [referring to me]. She used to consume medicine like water. After cultivating Dafa, she recovered her health and has never taken medicine since.” I added on, “That is our belief. Don’t we have the right to follow our faith?”

My niece nodded, but her expression showed she only understood half of what we said. “Regardless, you have to save grandpa. I don’t care what methods you use, as long as you can save his life.”

I replied to her, “If you want to save grandpa, you can help him by reciting “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Modern day hospitals cannot save him, only Dafa’s Master can.” From that day onwards, my niece would diligently read the entire contents of Hong Yin for my father every day.

My father’s condition continued to worsen by the day. His body became thin and his eyes deeply sunken. My father’s younger brother came over to visit and was shocked to see his appearance. He asked my mother and siblings, “Aren’t you afraid? He’s already in this state, why don’t you take him to the hospital?” He even visited my eldest brother’s house to persuade him. When my eldest brother told him, “Dad refuses to go.” My father’s brother said, “In his current state, can we continue to respect his wishes?” My eldest brother replied, “Dad had experienced something like this before, and he got better without going to the hospital.” My father’s brother had no choice but to back down.

One day, my eldest brother and I were accompanying my father when his condition drastically worsened, and it was as if he was ready to pass on. My eldest brother shouted, “Call upon Master! Quickly call for Master!” On yet another occasion, my eldest brother told my father, “Dad, you’ve been asleep for too long. You can’t go on like this. Quickly wake up and strengthen your righteous thoughts.” Yet my father replied, “I’m so tired I feel like sleeping. If I can’t make it, so be it.” It sounded as though he had given up the will to live, and my heart ached. For the first time, I wondered if he could survive this tribulation of life and death.

My mother was beside herself with sorrow. She asked me to inform my elder sister, who lived far away, to return home so she could see my father for the last time.

At my wits end, I found myself unable to continue reading. I put down the book and left my father’s side in tears. My younger brother had just returned home from the market. On seeing my woeful state, he came over and gently patted me. “It’s okay. You can’t waver. If you do, how will the rest of us cope?” I told him, “Dad is in so much pain. My niece was also crying. I couldn’t help but waver.” Unexpectedly, my brother’s tone changed. “It has nothing to do with your niece. As long as Master is here, dad will be fine. Dad is working to pass his test, so don’t bring your ordinary person’s attachments into this.”

On another occasion, my younger brother and I were sitting on my father’s bed as I read the Fa to him. As I read, I cried until tears covered my face and my voice could hardly be heard. I paused to raise my head, and inadvertently saw my younger brother silently gazing at me with a heavy face. For some reason, I felt like a child who had done something wrong, as though Master himself was looking at me. Over the next few days, I felt very sad. I knew Master used my brother’s mouth to enlighten me, because I harbored human sentiments towards our father-daughter relationship and was afraid to lose my father. I knew I had to eliminate this attachment to effectively help my father.

One day, I came over to my father’s house at 2 a.m., only to see my younger brother holding a Dafa book and attentively reciting its contents to our father. At this time, Master’s teachings appeared in my mind,

“I would say that this is your wishful thinking. You are unable to interfere with the lives of others, and neither can you control others’ fates, including those of your wife, sons, daughters, parents, or brothers. Can you decide those things?” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun)

I recalled my brother’s earlier words before resolving to straighten myself out, strengthen my righteous thoughts, and guide my father through this life and death crisis.

I started reading the Fa to my father again after regaining my composure. I no longer felt pained on seeing his suffering, and would constructively advise my father, “Dad, that panting sound isn’t you. Don’t allow it to control you. These bad things are all illusions which we should reject.” Whenever he regained mental clarity, my father would also raise his palm and send forth righteous thoughts.

I asked my siblings to help my father sit up. With my younger brother supporting my father from behind, I encouraged him to do the exercises and read the Fa with me. Everyone held little hope for my father’s survival. My father ate, drank, and had bowel movements in bed, and continued to suffer from high fevers at half daily intervals. During this time, several neighbors commented, “Oh, the cuckoo bird has been singing constantly these days.” According to traditional belief, a cuckoo bird’s call heralded the oncoming death of a person, and this indicator was said to be very reliable. My heart remained unmoved despite their words.

Throughout my father’s ordeal, our family kept saying to each other, “As long as Master is here, everything will be fine!” The sound of someone reading the Fa could be heard throughout the day. My niece would read Hong Yin to my father in the morning, while my sister-in-law would read the Fa to my father while I was at work. My son and daughter also took turns reading the Fa when they came over to visit. Both my younger and older sisters also took turns to read the Fa when they arrived back home, and it felt as though my family’s recitation had the power to move the world and counter the evil forces.

Given Master’s compassionate protection, my father’s fever subsided on the 15th day. He could recite with us the entire contents of Hong Yin, sit cross-legged and even meditate. Twenty days after his symptoms first started, his fever completely disappeared. With my eldest brother and younger brother supporting one side, my father learned to walk again. With righteous thoughts and belief in Master, my father passed this life and death test.

The power of Dafa can even overturn a cuckoo bird’s prediction of death. Our entire family not only witnessed the extraordinary powers of Falun Dafa, but also sealed their positions as supporters of Dafa through their actions.

My father, in better spirits than before this incident, has resumed his daily routine of carrying buckets of water to water his vegetables.

Soon after my father’s recovery, he told me, “While I was in a dream-like state Master told me not to be afraid, and that someone would help me.” This incident made me realize the importance of giving a hand to fellow practitioners who are undergoing tribulations. Master instructed us to help each other, and this is an important lesson I learned from helping my father overcome his tribulation.

My younger brother exclaimed, “Having never witnessed it personally, I used to treat cultivation with suspicion. This time, two miracles happened before me in succession. I’d be a fool to reject the truth. After my new home is ready, my household shrine won’t pay homage to any deity except Falun Dafa’s Master.” Truly, those who understand the truth will have obtained a bright future.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)