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Liaoning Man in His 70s Recounts Years of Torture in Prison for Practicing Falun Gong

May 28, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) A Fushun City, Liaoning Province resident in his 70s was arrested in June 2020 and later sentenced to 2.5 years for talking to people about Falun Gong. While serving time at the Dongling Prison in Shenyang City, the capital of Liaoning, Mr. Luo Chungui was subjected to various torture methods, including electric shocks, savage beating, being sprayed with pepper water and sleep deprivation. He was released on December 25, 2023. Below is his own account of the persecution.


My name is Luo Chungui. I talked to people about Falun Gong near the Guchengzi No.8 Middle School on March 12, 2020, and was arrested on the spot by officers of the Guchengzi Police Station. Due to the pandemic, I was released on house arrest. Since then, the police often came to harass me. They searched my residence at will, regardless whether anyone was home or no matter what we were doing. During one episode, they came when my son, who was home by himself, was taking a shower. They ransacked the place and took away my Falun Gong books and cellphone without presenting a search warrant.

On June 28, 2021, I went out to buy a brush and was arrested as soon as I stepped out the door. I was taken to the Fushun City Detention Center that day. The guards ordered everyone to recite the detention center rules. I refused to comply and insisted that I didn’t do anything wrong. In retaliation, they found an excuse to reduce the amount of food I was given. They later stopped giving me any toilet paper and didn’t allow me to do the laundry. The 100 yuan my son sent me to buy daily necessities was used by the inmates. My son later sent me another 200 yuan. The inmates forcibly collected my blood and used the 200 yuan to pay for the blood test. I didn’t spend a day in peace at the detention center.

I was later secretly sentenced to 2.5 years and admitted to the Dongling Prison. The guards organized small teams of seven or eight inmates to monitor me. They were all strongly build men with a vicious look.

At the beginning, the inmates showed me various torture instruments and threatened to use them on me if I refused to write a statement to renounce Falun Gong. Most people gave in after being shown the torture instruments. I was also scared. But I told myself that I couldn’t write the statement no matter what. Then the inmates stepped on me and applied the torture instruments on my fingers and toes. My clothes were stained with blood. My body was covered with bruises, and my hands and feet were black and blue. They remained numb for the next few months. Even now, my hands still haven’t fully recovered and often bleed under the skin.

After the initial round of torture, I was assigned to Cell Five in the first ward. I was closely monitored by the inmates and not allowed to talk to anyone. One day, when I was overheard talking to two new inmates about Falun Gong, the monitoring inmate reported me to the guard surnamed Li.

Li and another guard surnamed Tang hit me and kicked me. Then they took me back to the cell and hung me up to the frame to the bunk bed. They instructed the inmates to watch me and prevent me from sleeping. As soon as I closed my eyes, they hit my eyes. One inmate beat me especially hard in order to have his term reduced. My wrist was almost broke as a result.

The guards also ordered me to write thought reports every month. Because I refused, they sprayed me with pepper water four times and shocked me with electric batons. My back was severely burned after one torture session.

Related Reports:

70-year-old Man Sentenced to 2.5 Years for His Faith

Fushun City Practitioner Mr. Luo Chungui Beaten and Tortured Numerous Times