(Minghui.org) My wife and I started practicing Falun Dafa in 2005, and all our ailments were eliminated. We were known to be “old patients” to our friends and relatives, but after we practiced Falun Dafa, we regained our health. People witnessed how amazing Falun Dafa is.

My wife suddenly experienced severe gallbladder pain at the beginning of August 2023. The pain caused her to vomit, and she couldn’t concentrate when she read the Fa, so she sent forth righteous thoughts. She looked within and did the exercises for several days in the morning, but the pain didn’t stop.

She wanted to take a pain killer. We don’t have any veteran practitioners to consult in our area but I knew taking pain killers was not the right solution. Master talked about “benevolent resolution” in Teachings at the 2004 International Conference in New York.

Master said,

“You can have this thought: “During the Fa-rectification of the cosmos, I can make a reasonable arrangement for those of you who don’t interfere with my validating the Fa; I can have you become beings in the future. Those of you who seek a benevolent resolution should leave me and wait in my surroundings. If you really cannot leave me, then don’t have any part in interfering with me. In the future I will be able to achieve Consummation, and I will offer you a benevolent resolution. Those who are completely bad, who still interfere with me and who cannot remain will, according to the standards, have to be eliminated. Even if I don’t eliminate you, the Law of the cosmos won’t let you remain.” If you have that thought, it is tremendously merciful to some of those extremely low-level beings, and it will make it easy to eliminate those who still interfere.” ("Teachings at the 2004 International Conference in New York")

My wife repeated this Fa over and over again, sincerely trying to offer a benevolent resolution to the being causing her pain. That night, some bad things passed out with her urine and the pain subsided. This sickness karma lasted for nearly three weeks.

We discovered the cause of the sickness karma when sending forth righteous thoughts later on.

My younger sister is a typical ordinary person in today’s Chinese society who likes to take advantage of others without repaying the favor. My wife often complained about my sister and got upset. Recently my sister’s son was about to get married and she also took advantage of my younger brother. My younger brother called us and complained about my younger sister. My wife found a listener this time and poured out all of her grievances to him. Shortly after this incident, my wife came down with sickness karma.

We realized that the root cause was resentment. My wife felt unbalanced as she thought she had done so much for my younger sister but was never thanked or had the favor repaid. As a cultivator, she was not able to improve her xinxing for a long time, and she did not look inward when she encountered problems, thus she developed strong resentment. The resentment accumulated and led to this serious sickness karma.

Given my wife’s tribulation, I looked within and found I still had many resentments. I resent my wife for adding and omitting words while reading the Fa. I resent her for being addicted to watching videos on her mobile phone. I resented my selfish younger sister and her family. I also resented other family members and my coworkers, especially my boss.

I was surprised to find I still had so much resentment and I felt ashamed, since I always felt I was a diligent practitioner. Fa-rectification is about to end and cultivation practice is such a serious matter. I must eliminate all my resentment.

I’d like to share Master’s teaching on jealousy as I believe resentment is a manifestation of jealousy. Master said,

“There is a rule: anyone who doesn’t free himself of jealousy while practicing cannot attain true divine standing. No exceptions.” (The Seventh Talk, Zhuan Falun)