(Minghui.org) I was a sickly woman who couldn’t even care for herself. I began practicing Falun Dafa fifteen years ago, and I’m now a healthy grandmother. Master said, “...with one person practicing, the whole family benefits…” (Teachings at the Conference in Australia) I’m now 80 years old, and I’d like to tell you how my family and I benefited from Falun Dafa.

My Life After Practicing Falun Dafa

One of the many illnesses that bothered me the most before I practiced Falun Dafa was rheumatoid arthritis. I woke up every morning with stiff limbs. I couldn’t make a fist, do laundry, cook, or do chores. I stayed with my younger sister in 2009 for some time, as she lived close to the hospital and it was easier for me to get treatments. I didn’t expect this short stay would change my life forever.

My younger sister practices Falun Dafa. She told me how good the practice is and encouraged me to join her. I didn’t listen. When I moved in with her, and saw how she worked all day yet remained energetic. I thought about practicing Falun Dafa.

After I returned home, I discussed my decision to practice Falun Dafa with my children, they were against it. With the ongoing persecution of the practice, a practitioner’s family is often targeted. My children had good jobs, and didn’t want to lose them. However they also saw how my health was deteriorating, and eventually let me do what I wanted.

However, soon after I began practicing, I felt even worse. I did not know that Master was purifying my body and pushing out the karma that caused the diseases, so I called my sister and complained, “My frozen shoulder returned and my lower back hurts terribly.” My sister kept saying that everything was fine. We didn’t talk much over the phone because our phones might be tapped by the police. Feeling I didn’t get the help I wanted, I got upset and stopped calling her.

On the other hand, I didn’t stop practicing Falun Dafa and continued to read the books. As my understanding of the teachings improved, I no longer feared the illnesses. Master told us that a practitioner has no illnesses. I stopped resorting to any medical treatment no matter how bad I felt. I knew that I was paying off the debt I owed in past lives.

When my husband saw me suffering and in pain, he constantly reminded me to go to the hospital or take the medicine. To avoid unnecessary attention and not cause problems in my cultivation, I stopped telling him how bad I felt, and tried to act normal. One time he found out that I was in a lot of pain, he again urged me to seek treatment. I told him, “This is my karma surfacing, and I have to suffer to eliminate it. If I took medicine and pushed it back in again, it would continue to surface.” He never urged me to take medicine again since.

My husband was also very picky and nagged a lot. When he picked on me, especially after I tried my best to do something, I was very annoyed. I thought that he was making a mountain out of a molehill, and stopped talking to him, making our relationship tense.

Master told us in Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun, the book of Falun Dafa’s main teaching, “You feel in your heart that it is unfair, “How can this person treat me like this?” Then why did you treat this person that way in the past?” I must have done similar things to him before, and I realized it was payback time. I stopped feeling upset about his behavior.

Husband Changes Positively As I Improve in Cultivation

I went from a person who couldn’t lift a finger to being able to handle all the chores at home. Seeing my improvement, my husband gradually changed his attitude and became supportive of my practicing Falun Dafa. He spoke highly of Falun Dafa during family gatherings, and defended Falun Dafa when he heard people badmouthing the practice.

One Chinese New Year, my husband volunteered to go out to distribute Falun Dafa calendars and clarify the truth. He enjoyed listening to the truth clarification recordings, and showed his respect for Master and Falun Dafa. He used to have severe constipation. Now his constipation and his other illness symptoms are gone.

Granddaughter Performs Well

My granddaughter carries the amulet that says “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good” with her all the time. She did well in school and received a lot of scholarships during her undergraduate studies. She was later recommended to one of the best universities for graduate study.

She is slim and attractive, always smiles and speaks in a soft tone. She doesn’t show off and gets along with her classmates.

Grandson Stays Away from Bad Habits

I often told my grandson about Falun Dafa’s teachings. I taught him to be considerate and grateful. He graduated from college and has no bad habits. His apartment is clean and tidy, and I never see a stain on his shirt. He never gets into trouble, does not smoke, drink or gamble. He has a stable job and earns a good salary.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)