(Minghui.org) There are no shortcuts in cultivation, and we must cultivate ourselves solidly. If we do the three things well, study the Fa, do the exercises, and send righteous thoughts, when we tell people about Falun Dafa and the persecution, our words will have the power of the Fa and we can truly save them.

Talking to People at the Public Transportation Terminal

I usually talk to people face-to-face, and I give them Minghui Weekly and Falun Dafa keepsakes (amulets). When I distribute materials, I ask people to pass them on to their relatives and friends after they read them. People are happy to accept the materials.

I go to a public transportation terminal year round and many people know me. When they see me, they often shout, “What good things did you bring this time?” Or they just take it directly from my bag. They are like my friends, direct and frank.

On rainy days when there is not much passenger traffic, I walk the streets. I talk to whoever I meet. They might be shoe repairers, knife sharpeners, grocery sellers, or just people talking together  on the street. They usually accept the information I share with them and agree to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations they once joined.

Once, I went out with a young practitioner. When passing by the entrance of a community, I saw many elderly people gathered there. Some were playing cards, some were playing chess and some were chatting. I told them about Falun Dafa and asked them to remember “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” She looked around in fear and said, “You are really daring. Do you dare to talk anywhere?” I said, “Yes. We are doing the most righteous thing, Master protects us. I am sending righteous thoughts!”

I met a man in front of a supermarket near the terminal. I asked him, “Has anyone talked to you about quitting the CCP for a safe future?” He said, “I will not quit.” I said, “There are many disasters nowadays. The CCP has corrupted people’s morals. The officials are all corrupt and people dare to do any bad things for money. Heaven will not tolerate this. We are good people who just want a peaceful life. Please quit the CCP for your own good, then the plague cannot hurt you.”

He still would not quit. An elderly lady selling things next to us said, “She is telling you this for your own good, and it doesn’t cost you anything. I was a CCP member and I quit.” I talked to him further and he finally agreed to quit the CCP. I gave him a booklet, and asked him to read it when he got home.

The elderly lady asked me for a couple of booklets and placed them on her stall. Soon a customer came to buy things. She handed him a copy and said, “Read it please; it is very good. You will be blessed after you understand it.” All living beings are looking for salvation. Some are also helping others to understand Falun Dafa! I was moved to tears.

When I was on a bus, a man asked me for a thick booklet of materials. I gave him a copy of “The Ultimate Goal of Communism” and a copy of “Great Blessings from Divine”. He accepted them happily and said “Falun Dafa is good! I am a Falun Dafa follower.”

There are many vehicles in the terminal, carrying passengers to and from villages and towns. Some people warmly invite me to get in and talk to their passengers. Once, a fully loaded bus pulled into the terminal; I hurriedly walked to the bus to hand out materials. After I handed out all the materials I brought with me, the driver told me, “We have many passengers today. Please get on the bus and talk to them!” I got on the bus and talked to everyone. When the driver told me that the bus was leaving, several passengers agreed to quit the CCP before the bus moved on. I thanked the driver.

I talked to a young driver; he received what I said very well. I asked him for his last name and he said it was Wang. I chose for him a nickname of Wang Youcai. However, when I was about to submit his name assuring that he quit the CCP after I got home, I was not sure if he agreed to quit. I decided to look for him the next day.

When I found him, he was chatting with the other drivers. I asked him, “I chose for you the nickname of Wang Youcai to quit the CCP. Are you okay with that nickname?” He said, “I don’t want that one; I want to use Wang Facai to quit.” Then he ran around in the terminal and shouted, “Falun Dafa is good! Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa!” Before I could ask them, the other three drivers who chatted with him said, “I want to quit; I also want to quit!” I helped them quit the CCP. Their joy was really touching!

Handing Out Calendars and Talking to People

There are many market fairs in the nearby townships in the countryside. When the weather permits, I often go to them, either with other practitioners or by myself. I clarify the truth to people, and hand out desk calendars.

I planned to go to a village fair, and my sister happened to arrive the day before. She helped me and carried more than 100 copies of the desk calendars in her car to her home, which was near the fair. I went to her house around 8 a.m. the next morning by bus.

Before leaving for the fair, I sent righteous thoughts for my sister’s home, and I asked Master to strengthen me, “Master, please help the predestined people to come for the calendars and learn the truth.”

My sister helped me and carried the calendars to the fair. While I handed out calendars, I kept talking to people. I handed out all the calendars in about two hours. More than 20 people were receptive to what I told them, and agreed to quit the CCP. I felt happy for them and silently thanked Master for arranging for them to receive salvation. Master arranged everything—we just talk and let people know that Dafa is good. After I handed out all the desk calendars, I stayed there and kept talking to people. An elderly couple who agreed to quit the CCP came back, and asked for two more calendars.

They told me that they also wanted their children to learn the truth. I was touched, and said, “I handed out all the calendars I brought with me. When you see other practitioners handing out calendars, you can ask them for some.” I saw that they were a little disappointed.

Throughout the years I talked to workers, students and teachers and people of different ages. I have also talked to people from the police and judicial systems, the 610 Office, and other government organs. Many of them learned the truth and quit the CCP.

I’ve also been verbally abused, photographed and reported to the police. However, under Master’s compassionate protection, I made it through those situations safely. Through the process, I discarded my mentality of impatience, fear of losing face, treating people differently due to their social status, and my fear.

Now when I encounter difficult situations, I can examine myself for the cause. However, I know that I’m still far behind those practitioners who have cultivated well. I will study the Fa, diligently cultivate myself and do my best to save people. I want to fulfill my mission and follow Master home.