(Minghui.org) In mid-2023, another large-scale outbreak of COVID-19 spread in China. Hospitals around the country were overcrowded, and students were affected the most. 

Most students in my son Wei’s class were absent, and many teachers were sick. Wei had a fever that lasted two days, followed by persistent coughing. 

One of our relatives who works at a hospital told us to avoid eating particular foods to prevent coughing. I followed his advice, but Wei’s coughing still lasted two months. 

In the middle of November, Wei got very sick and had a high fever for two days. He couldn’t keep any food or water down. He also had a severely blocked nose, could only breathe through his mouth and his lips were dry and cracked. Later, we learned that these were all symptoms of a new COVID-19 variant.

I wondered why this was happening to him. Then I found out that at the beginning of the new semester, students were asked to swear allegiance to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) flag at a flag-raising ceremony. The COVID-19 virus is also known as the CCP virus and it targets people with close ties to the CCP. My son never joined any of the CCP organizations, but I believe his prolonged symptoms may have been because he swore allegiance to the CCP flag.

After I realized this, we started to study the Fa together. When he was too sick to read, I would read for him. He started getting better every day without any treatment. It was the power of Dafa and Master that helped him pass the tribulation. 

During this incident, I looked within. When my son was going through this tribulation, I saw my attachments of worry, pity, and getting upset. I know that human beings have to suffer to transform karma into virtue, but when it happened to my loved one, my human heart and emotions overcame me. What happened to my son made me more aware of the seriousness of cultivation and its strict xinxing standards.

When my son had completely recovered, he went back to school. For the first few days, I still heard his coughing, but by then I’d realized this was showing me that I still had loopholes to eliminate. I still hadn’t reached the xinxing standard of a cultivator. 

When I calmed my heart and concentrated on Fa study, I suddenly realized it was my pursuit that was causing the problem. I had accepted everyday people’s things and their advice about my son’s condition. If I had stuck to the Fa principles, I wouldn’t have had so much trouble. 

When I truly understood where I fell short and the right way to handle it, I felt a warm current flow through my whole body. I knew Master was purifying my body and removing the substance in my body and mind that wasn’t aligned to the Fa. From that point on, my son’s coughing stopped! This made me realize once again the power and sacredness of Dafa. 

In today’s society, when pandemics and disasters occur, my mission is to save people during times of danger. During the New Year holidays, when I had plenty of opportunities to talk to my friends and family, I clarified the facts about Dafa and helped them withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated youth organizations. I took every opportunity to talk about Dafa to anyone I came across—when shopping for clothes, getting a haircut, or buying a mobile phone. With help from Master, many people understood the truth and chose to quit the CCP for a bright future. 

I plan to tell other children in my family, in a way that they can understand, that the true origin of life is not through evolution from monkeys, like the theory of evolution taught in their textbooks. This will help destroy the poisonous effects of the CCP and of evolution and atheism on our children. I think this is the best New Year gift to them.

I feel so fortunate to have obtained this virtuous Dafa that Master has given us. I will treat Dafa with my purest heart and assist Master in rectifying the Fa and saving sentient beings.

This is my understanding at my level; please point out anything inappropriate.

Thank you, Master!Thank you, fellow practitioners! 

(Selected submission to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)