(Minghui.org) I was born into a farmer’s family. My father passed away when I was three. My mother single-handedly raised us five siblings. I suffered from poor health and went through a lot of hardship. I often wondered: “Why is life so unfair? Why do I live in such misery?”

I lost hope and lived passively like that until one day in March 1997, when I went to a friend’s house. When I heard my friends reading the Falun Dafa teachings, I felt an indescribable and wonderful feeling. Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa said as long as you truly practice cultivation, he will regard you as a disciple, cleanse your body and change your destiny. I gradually understood many things through studying the teachings and began to practice cultivation.

When the other villagers saw the dramatic improvement in my health, they believed me when I told them how amazing Dafa is. I offered my house as a practice site. People worked in the fields during the day and after dinner, I played the exercise music and people would come and do the exercises. Soon, two women in their 70s felt less pain in their bodies. Many people said how great Falun Dafa is. When practitioners came to my home to study the Fa and I was not there, my son read the Fa to them.

After the persecution began in 1999, some people were too frightened to continue practicing. Only twelve practitioners persisted in coming to my house to study the Fa. Master said we should study the Fa solidly, tell people about Dafa and save sentient beings. I take every opportunity to tell people that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) spread lies to vilify Dafa and I ask them to remember, “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good.”

Whenever I had time, I carried a bag of informational materials and handed them out. One night, after 9 p.m, four of us, including myself and my husband, went to a remote area in the mountains to hand out information about Dafa. We divided the area into four sections and each of us took one area. While waiting for my husband after I distributed all the materials, a miracle happened. A bright light appeared in the dark sky. Master’s law body appeared in front of me, tall and dignified. He smiled and gestured at me. My husband was overjoyed when I told him. 

We returned home after 3 a.m. On the way back, we realized the road was filled with large and small pot holes. We were amazed that we’d managed to safely go up the mountain road riding a motorcycle at night.

I Am Persecuted

My family was harmonious and supportive of my practicing Falun Dafa. There was not a day I did not do the exercises and study the Fa. I told people the facts about the persecution whenever I could and people listened. I was not afraid of being arrested and I only wanted to save people. Every time I went out to distribute materials or tell people about Dafa, I never encountered any trouble. However, one day in 2012, I went with four practitioners to give out information about Dafa. We were reported and subsequently arrested.

In the detention center, I was interrogated but I refused to cooperate, as I knew I hadn’t done anything wrong. I went on a hunger strike for seven days. One night, I was bound to a tiger bench and interrogated. I recalled Master’s words, 

“With Master and the Way by my side, what is there to fear? I’ll just forget about it!” (Lecture Given At the Conference in Sydney)

I saw a two-inch thick cable on my left side. Monkey King Sun Wukong dressed in yellow climbed up the cable and smiled at me. This strengthened my faith in Master and Dafa. From that day on, whenever I was interrogated, I would simply tell the guards how wonderful Dafa is. A female guard decided to quit the CCP. The young woman said with tears in her eyes, “I agree to withdraw from the Party after seeing how sincere you are.”

The guards watching over me asked what I wanted to do when I refused to eat or drink. I said I wanted to sing songs. They agreed. I sang, “Falun Dafa Is Good.” They clapped when I finished. I then sang other songs. The guards clapped as if they forgot they were there to make me give up practicing Falun Dafa.

I was later sentenced to three years in prison. My sentence was subsequently reduced to two and a half years. I was sent to a women’s prison and brutally tortured. The prison guards even stuffed a toilet bowl brush into my mouth. I was so weak from the torture that when my relatives came to visit me, I could only crawl to the door to see them. When I was released, I was in such terrible shape that I could not straighten my back. Yet, nothing could stop me from practicing Falun Dafa.

After I returned home, I read Zhuan Falun and Master’s other lectures every day. I kept reflecting on my shortcomings. I discovered I was attached to doing things and resented those who tortured me. My resentment caused me to be severely persecuted. I also realized that only when I had compassion, could I truly save people.

These are my personal understandings at my current cultivation level. Please point out anything inappropriate.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)