(Minghui.org) I began to practice Falun Dafa in 1996. I worked during the day and went to the practice site at night to study the Fa and do the exercises with other practitioners. Soon after, all my health issues disappeared. I’m so grateful to find Dafa – this supreme spiritual meditation practice that guides people towards high levels.

An Unforgettable Fa-study Night

One night, more than 20 of us sat together in a room to study the Fa. After reading, we shared our understandings of the Fa. Some of us talked about how Dafa taught us the true purpose of life. It isn’t about pursuing fame or fortune, but rather a journey to improve our character and return to one’s original, true self.

One practitioner said that he had scheduled himself for surgery for his gallstones, but after listening to Master’s lectures, the stones disappeared so he no longer needed surgery. Another practitioner said that he was diagnosed with late-stage cancer at a young age, but two months after he started practicing Dafa, he fully recovered and resumed a normal life. He was so grateful to Master for saving his life.

As we were sharing together, the ceiling light that was off suddenly turned on and the room was filled with light. We were amazed and felt we were bathed in Master’s saving grace. This encouraged us to be more determined in practicing Dafa.

Experiences During the Sitting Meditation

I was impressed by Dafa’s profound teaching and enjoyed the tranquility that came when I did the exercises. In my meditation, I often saw radiating purple light and transparent Faluns rotating in a deep dimension. My arms felt surrounded by energy and I couldn’t move. It was a very sacred and beautiful feeling. Even when I was doing the exercises outdoors in the winter, I didn’t feel cold at all and I knew Master was with me and strengthening me.

I spent most of my spare time studying the Fa and doing the exercises. The quality of my sleep dramatically improved. I felt full of energy and my mind was very clear. It really was a very happy period back then.

Activities on World Falun Dafa Day

When the persecution started, I lost the group cultivation environment. Later I contacted a practitioner and got back in touch with the local group. I teamed up with an elderly practitioner to raise awareness about the persecution. Every year on May 13, World Falun Dafa Day, we went out to put up banners and posters, and distribute materials door to door. Before we went, we sent forth righteous thoughts to clear all the evil factors interfering with us. Every trip went very smoothly.

One year, local practitioners worked together to put up banners for several miles along a major highway. Seeing the banners flying in the wind in the bright sunshine, we felt happy for the locals to have this opportunity to learn the facts about Dafa. We wanted to tell the world’s people about our deep appreciation of Master and our sincere faith in practicing Dafa.

Fulfilling Our Vows

There is one study group at a married couple’s home. As well as studying the Fa together, we listen to podcasts of practitioners’ sharing articles and share our cultivation experiences. We encourage each other and help each other to stay diligent.

Practitioner Jia is in his 80s, but is still very healthy and energetic, and looks like someone in his 50s. He often goes to the parks, countryside or community fairs to talk to people face to face. He always reads the materials he distributes carefully and tells people stories about Dafa’s miraculous healing powers. He helped many people quit the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations. One person told Jia that he’d spent more than 100,000 yuan treating a problem with his leg, but he didn’t recover; yet by reciting “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good,” his leg problem completely disappeared.

Practitioner Yi stopped practicing Dafa for a period of time due to the persecution. He suffered a stroke and ended up with blurred speech and had difficulty moving. Later on, he started cultivating again and we studied the Fa together. He persisted in getting up at 3 a.m. to do the exercises and sometimes gave rides to local practitioners to the countryside to talk to people. His health problems went away without him even realizing it.

During that time, one practitioner saw udumbara flowers blooming on his persimmon tree and front door. Another practitioner saw udumbara flowers on his clothes rack. They brought the flowers to our Fa study group. We all felt encouraged and honored to be born at the special period in history and encounter Dafa.

My Parents Returned to Cultivation

My parents used to practice Dafa, but stopped because of the persecution. After that, all their health problems, which had cleared up when they practiced, came back and they were frequently hospitalized. I felt sorry for them and every time I visited them, I encouraged them to return to Dafa. I showed them programs about the benefits of Dafa and how practitioners courageously uphold their faith despite the persecution. Gradually, they overcame their fear and decided to practice Dafa again. They diligently studied the Fa and did the exercises. Sometimes they went out to distribute information. Their health improved at the same time. My parents understand that Master has extended their lives for cultivation and they deeply cherish this opportunity.

Final Thoughts

During my 28 years of cultivation in Dafa, I’ve made many mistakes and suffered brutal persecution. I pulled through the darkest days by persisting in Fa study and holding fast to my faith. I truly feel that only when I study the Fa well and remove my human notions, can I improve my realm and be in the state befitting a Dafa practitioner.

I need to strictly discipline myself and cultivate every single thought of mine. I’m deeply grateful for Master’s saving grace!

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)