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Toronto, Canada: Young Practitioners Express Their Gratitude for Falun Dafa (Part 1)

May 25, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Toronto

(Minghui.org) As practitioners around the world celebrate World Falun Dafa Day (May 13) and Falun Dafa Month in May, Minghui publishes many reports on these activities. After reading these reports, plus the greetings and the series of articles Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day, young practitioners in Toronto said they were impressed with the stories from China.

Because of the ongoing persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), practitioners in China cannot hold public events like practitioners around the world do, so they wrote about how the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance changed them for the better.

Being Considerate of Others

Yan Zhixi, 22, studies at the University of Toronto. Having known about Falun Dafa since he was a child, he began to practice in 2019. He said he learned a lot from the article “[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Falun Dafa Brings Blessing to an Elderly Couple” written by Jing Lian from Heilongjiang Province, China.

Jing worked as a caretaker looking after an elderly couple. Although she was promised two meals a day, that did not happen, and the thrifty couple gave her bad looks at mealtime. In the end, she had to bring her own food. The couple also excluded her from many things even though she treated them like her own parents. Jing did her best and handled the situation with selflessness and compassion. Over time, the couple changed dramatically. The old man listened to the lectures given by Falun Dafa’s founder and even told others Dafa is good.

After reading the article, Yan said he hoped he could be as considerate of others as the author was. One time, he and a classmate worked on a project that was due at midnight. Because his classmate had an exam the following day, he left early, so Yan had to finish it himself and he felt like a slave. “I tried to negate those thoughts,” he explained. “Once I changed my attitude, good ideas on how to do the project just flowed.”

That time Yan’s project earned 97 out of 100, while in the past his highest score was 86. He knew Master gave him wisdom because of his righteous thoughts. When another project was due two weeks later, Yan was busy and did not know how to do it, either. This time his teammate quietly finished it. When Yan thanked him, the teammate said it was because Yan had helped him in the past. “Now I know kindness not only helps others but also benefits oneself,” Yan said.

Becoming Selfless

Anjing, 29, started to practice Falun Dafa last September. Her parents told her about Falun Dafa throughout her childhood and she also occasionally read the teachings.

As a child Anjing paid attention to her grades and how others viewed her. She always felt like she was under a lot of stress, and she became depressed. Fortunately, she remembered Master’s Fa teachings and decided to truly cultivate.

When she read the article, “[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] I Finally Discovered One of My Fundamental Attachments,” Anjing found herself agreeing repeatedly with the author, who said she used to help others to please them. Then she realized that, by doing that in a degenerate society, she might actually be doing bad deeds.

Thinking about herself, Anjing realized her depression and social anxiety are also caused by selfishness. “As a Falun Dafa practitioner, I should be more considerate of others and help them,” she said. Now she is doing better and better.

From Sadness to Smiles

Xiaoyu, 34, began to practice Falun Dafa in 2020. When she read the article, “Toronto, Canada: People Praise Falun Dafa During Grand Parade to Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day,” she remembered what it was like to participate in the event with other practitioners.

According to the article, some Chinese decided to quit the CCP organizations after hearing the facts of Falun Dafa, while a man from Vietnam was interested in learning how to practice. Xiaoyu saw the results of practitioners’ combined efforts and sincerity. She decided to diligently cultivate herself. Specifically, she needs to study the teachings well and look within to eliminate her attachments.

In the past Xiaoyu knew how important it is to look inward and improve oneself. She later realized she tended to look at things on the surface and did not identify her deeply buried human notions. Recently a coworker could not do her job and Xiaoyu had to finish it. “I understand my coworker’s difficulty, but I still felt unbalanced,” she said.

“When I truly searched inward, I found that the discomfort came from selfishness: I was worried that if I did poorly at work, my supervisor would criticize me and my coworkers would look down on me.”

Xiaoyu is now able to handle these challenges with a smile. She decided to do better with a pure heart, both at work and with Dafa activities.