(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in 2007. Over the past two decades, I’ve worked as a house aide, caring for an elderly couple. I’d like to share the story about my cultivation in Dafa and also the elderly couple.

Becoming a Dafa Practitioner

My husband is a Falun Dafa practitioner. One day, he recommended I read a booklet that talked about reciting the auspicious phrases “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” that would bring people great merit and blessings.

Believing this, I began helping my husband prepare Dafa truth-clarifying materials, sometimes working overnight. I also told people on the street about the auspicious phrases. Surprisingly, after two months of doing this, my long-standing ailments including rheumatic heart disease, rheumatism, rhinitis, frozen shoulder, and epicondylitis disappeared. I was amazed by the power of Dafa. Having done so little, I was rewarded immensely. I was deeply touched by Dafa’s power and Master’s compassion.

So I obtained my own copy of Zhuan Falun and memorized it word for word. When I got to the part, “What kind of matter is it to teach qigong toward high levels? Isn’t this offering salvation to humankind? Offering salvation to humankind means that you will be truly cultivating, and not just healing illnesses and keeping fit.” My Buddha nature emerged at once, and I cried. The book guides people to become Buddhas, and I wanted to walk this path. From then on, I began to practice cultivation in Dafa and assimilate myself to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

Working as a Home-aide

Around 2010, a fellow practitioner introduced me to a home-aide job, caring for an elderly couple in their 80s. The husband had just had surgery for rectal cancer, and the wife had cataract surgery. Their two daughters worked full-time and needed someone to cook, clean, and do the laundry for their parents. I accepted the job, seeing it as an opportunity to validate Dafa, and earn some extra income. 

During the interview, I told the couple about my practice of Falun Dafa and explained its benefits and the wrongful persecution. The husband agreed to renounce his membership in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations.

My workday started at 9 a.m. I prepared the lunch, and did other work, leaving after lunch and returning at 3 p.m. to prepare dinner. During my break, I went out to tell people the facts about Dafa. After dinner, I went home to study the Fa, do the exercises, and take care of my children. I worked with this family for ten years, treating them kindly and cultivating myself by letting go of attachments to personal gain.

Initially, I was paid 1,500 yuan per month with one day off per week. Over time, my workdays were reduced to five per week, with a prorated salary. Later, I was paid a daily salary. During holidays, my pay was significantly reduced, sometimes to only 500 yuan. Despite this, I treasured my relationship with the family and continued working. Eventually, the husband compensated me during the holidays.

I was in my 30s and had a good appetite. I often ate two bowls of rice per meal, which bothered the old man. To ease the situation, I brought my own food and sometimes bought vegetables for the family with my own money. Over time, as my realm elevated, the old man’s attitude softened, and he encouraged me to cook more rice.

Once, while preparing a dish with pickled vegetables, the man insisted I not soak them too long. Despite knowing his way would make the dish too salty, I followed his instructions to show my respect. When the dish turned out poorly, I didn’t let it bother me.

Blessing of Dafa

While working in their home, I listened to Master’s lectures and the practitioners’ cultivation experience sharing podcasts from a speaker. The man enjoyed these recordings and asked for a player of his own. I provided one, and he listened to it regularly.

During one Chinese New Year break, he fell and hurt his ribs and cartilage. Over the phone, I reminded him to keep listening to Master’s lectures, and he recovered quickly. The following year, he fell again. His pants were torn but he was unharmed. He knew that Master had protected him.

Another time, he was diagnosed with appendicitis. During the surgery, the doctors discovered his appendix had already been removed. They washed his intestines and sewed him up. He didn’t make a big deal with the doctor’s misdiagnosis. He listened to Master’s lectures throughout his hospital stay and recovered quickly. He even credited his good health to listening to the teachings when a clerk at the drugstore complimented him.

Once, a clerk in the drugstore complimented his good health. He credited it all to listening to Master’s lecture. When the clerk mentioned some of propaganda about Dafa, he defended Dafa with what he learned from Master’s lecture and used me as an example.

One year, I put up a Dafa calendar in one room. His granddaughter, who usually couldn’t nap for long, slept there soundly for two and a half hours. The old man was surprised, and I explained that Dafa brought a harmonious and peaceful atmosphere, which helped her sleep. His family was so impressed that they quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

I left the job five years ago but continued visiting the family during the holidays. The wife passed away three years ago at the age of 92. Now, at 94, the husband still listens to Master’s teachings and recites the auspicious phrases daily.

(Selected submission to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)