(Minghui.org) Looking at my cultivation journey, and that of fellow practitioners, everyone seems to have shortcomings. I understand that this is one manifestation of selfishness. In order to protect themselves, people form a variety of stubborn and deviated notions. Some look down on others, others want to save face and have no moral principles. Some are entangled in lust and can’t give it up, even though they know it’s not good. Some are restrained by fear and can’t get out of it. There are many tribulations.

Because I was persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for practicing Falun Dafa, I’ve also been held back by fear. Some practitioners used to cultivate very diligently, but after they were persecuted, they’ve also been stopped by their fear.

Master said,

“Especially since many students are not able to see me and I have to be responsible for you, I am telling you all that you should take the Fa as the teacher. If you read the book more and study the Fa more, any problem can be resolved.” (Teachings at the Conference in Canada)

I’ve studied the Fa for a long time, so why can’t I solve my problems? As I continued to study the Fa I realized that it wasn’t that I couldn’t solve them, but that I didn’t really look inward, and didn’t want to let go of my attachments. There are no distinctions between veteran and new practitioners. As long as your understanding is from the Fa’s perspective and you detach yourself from your attachments, you will make a breakthrough.

Dafa is omnipotent. Our attachments are nothing, and the evil that uses our loopholes is nothing, so how can I be afraid of it! It’s because I don’t recognize the attachments, and can’t let go of them—I don’t want to or don’t dare to let go of them. Or, I don’t truly believe in the Fa, thus the tribulations keep happening or remain unsolved for a long time.

After realizing this, I was ashamed that my previous mentality had so many human notions and my enlightenment quality was poor.

When I sent righteous thoughts one day, those feelings of grievance, injustice, lust, and fear surfaced again. I thought, my main consciousness should be in charge, and those thoughts are not mine. When Falun Dafa practitioners send righteous thoughts it’s serious, and it’s done to assist Master in rectifying the Fa. I didn’t send righteous thoughts as rigidly as before, it was as if I was protecting myself. This time I was very relaxed, and let myself melt into the Fa, and let Dafa cleanse the corrupt elements in my own universe without any sense of nervousness.

I thought about how I sometimes felt unsettled. For example, when I clarified the truth to someone and he or she didn’t agree with me, I felt uneasy and feared being persecuted. I felt helpless, nervous, and at a loss for what to do. This time I understood—the selfishness of worrying about being persecuted, is not me. I saw the attachment of fear and selfishness, so I faced it head on. I tried to keep a calm mind and face it. The previous deeper unsettled fear of being persecuted was also eliminated.

We live in a world of illusions, all kinds of them. Only Dafa can clear away the clouds and mist, and only Dafa can solve all kinds of grievances and grudges. Only by cultivating Dafa can one truly let go. The Three Realms exist just so that sentient beings can be saved by Dafa in this final period. We practitioners have missions, so let’s not get lost in the human world anymore. What Master has arranged is the best, and the tribulations we encounter are for our improvement. Let’s eliminate our human thoughts, let go of life and death, and help Master rectify the Fa and save all beings. As long as we are in the Fa, Dafa practitioners can do anything.

My cultivation path has been churned by big waves, all caused by my own human thoughts. When I began practicing, I could not put the Fa into my heart. I followed other practitioners instead of the Fa. I was attached to doing things and didn’t cultivate my xinxing. However, with Master’s guidance and inspired by Minghui articles in which practitioners analyzed their own human thoughts, and presented the miracles of righteous thoughts and righteous actions in the Fa, I realized the importance of putting the Fa into my heart, and cultivating in accordance with the Fa. Doing things are not important, neither are the results and forms. What is most important is getting rid of our human attachments.

I started to copy and memorize the Fa, and gradually began to understand Dafa. I regret the time I wasted. I must cultivate my xinxing well. Master has repeatedly extended the time for the end of Fa-rectification, and endured for sentient beings. I must know how to cherish it! I reflected on myself many times. I still do things with human attachments, but I only realize it after the incident. I still can’t cultivate my xinxing all the time, but I am determined to change.

Cherish these precious opportunities, cherish Dafa, and cherish sentient beings!

This is my understanding at my current level. Please kindly correct me if I’ve said anything inappropriate.