(Minghui.org) Practitioners held an event on May 12 to celebrate the 32nd anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction to the world and the 25th World Falun Dafa Day. The celebration was held at Wenceslas Square, Prague’s main square, which is always crowded. 

May 13 is also the birthday of Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, and Czech practitioners also sincerely wished Master Li a happy birthday. 

The event began before 10 a.m. with demonstrations of the exercises, followed by a waist drum team, and a fairy and dragon dance that continued until late afternoon. 

Group exercise demonstration during World Falun Dafa Day celebrations.

Throughout the event, Leos Strnad, a Falun Dafa Association representative in the Czech Republic, addressed the gathering and told people why this day was special. He also described the ongoing persecution of Falun Dafa in China.

Leos Strnad addressed the event.

A large number of passersby talked to practitioners. The square was more crowded than usual that day due to the World Hockey Cup and several large concert events. Many locals and tourists from around the world, concerned about the ongoing persecution in China, signed the petition calling for it to end. 

Practitioners talk to passersby and distribute fliers.

Visitors read fliers. 

People sign the petition calling to end the CCP’s persecution.

Local People Thank Practitioners

People took photos and videos of the performances, some tried out the exercises and asked where they could learn to practice. Many people took lotus flowers and happily thanked practitioners. They said they hope the persecution ends soon. Many people gathered to watch the dragon dance and celestial maiden performances.

Practitioners did the lion and dragon dance during the celebration

During the event, practitioners wished Master Li a happy birthday.

Practitioners wish Master Happy Birthday.